it depends on the clothing style of the guy....punk-rockers can look really hot in tight pants, given that there legs aren't too fat...but on the whole big no no, not even if they have a cute butt
tight pants are total turn offfffffff!! lol me and my friend were just talkin about how its so weird of guys to wear tight pants.. hahaha. then again we grew up in SF where guys wear baggy sagging pants. hahahaa
hell no to skinny jeans on guys. most of the time i dont think they look good on most girls either. i like the loose fitted kind, but not so baggy that its already falling off ur ass without having someone pull it haha
well i find it weird of guys wearing extremely tight pants because they do look funny in some ways andd weird. maybe its cool to some girls and hawt and all that..but to me its a no.
Dudes at the clothing stores wear it, and MY GOD! Its the gayest thing I've ever seen, fat asses (fatter than mine) and tiny legs.
i guess it has to depend on the guy and how he wears it. if he wears it well then great! otherwise lose the look!
is that all you're concerned about? haha. i'm glad you think about consequences too so i assume you wear tight pants? personally, if a guy can wear em and look good, i'm fine with it (but whatever consequences there are, that's their problem) but seeing as how most guys can't (i can't exactly imagine any guys i know ever wearing tight pants, esp. leather), for the most part, tight pants are a no.
guys in tight pants look terrible.. i'm talking slim jeans too. what the hell do u wanna show off...ur chicken legs? and if ur fat..why would u wanna show everyone how fat ur legs are in tight pants? yuck
i dont mind guys that were tight pants...but occasionally i see some that shouldn't...thinking about it gives me the creeps