Halloween Thread!!

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Sep 20, 2006.


Halloween Plans

  1. Got Costume Picked Out Already..

    1 vote(s)
  2. Just Started Shopping..

    2 vote(s)
  3. Not Doing Anything Special...

    15 vote(s)
  4. Too Early...

    8 vote(s)
  1. fruity dofu

    fruity dofu Well-Known Member

    where's the gummi bears and worms?lol
  2. ooh!! I still have like a big ass bag of gummi bears from costco... it's taking me so long to eat it... -lol

    love the sour worms too... -drool n those peach gummis
  3. fruity dofu

    fruity dofu Well-Known Member

    oh yeah, the gummi in costco !big big bag..lol..i killed that gummi bear last time like in 1 week, but then of course not by myself..eat too much..teeth started hurting..i dont really liked the sour gummi..prefer the original..last time i threw like half bag of those sour gummi worms away..whatta waste eh? but nobody be eating it and it been left there for so long..
  4. u "goldfish man" -_-

    give her all the goodies just coz she sat on ur lap...
  5. lol wtf... 1 week... thas freakin hardcore... I be chewing n chewing and then i'm like... wow can't have no more...

    hey I'm not "Goldfish man" you "Goldfish woman"... trying to dum me... >.<
  6. i'm not goldfish woman... i don't lure lil bois to sit on my lap with candies unlike u :p
  7. cheanyau

    cheanyau Member

    31 oct !!!

    Get prepared those scary mask ya... :D
  8. witxp

    witxp Member

    Do you people go trick-or-treating?
  9. Im gonna get a deck of cards ready... when the kiddies show up imma say.. be prepared for this trick!! -lol

    damn I figured out what I wanna do!!! I'm gonna get a pair of these arms and go mess up the lil kiddies!!! -devil

  10. when lil kiddies knock on my door n say "trick or treat" imma say "pay attention at the trick i'm abt to perform" n slam the door shut... muwahahahaha
  11. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    mess up the lil kiddies ehhh....hmmmmm
  12. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    aw. you guys are so mean to those kids. my rule is to only scare the kiddies with the ugly costumes.
  13. tuahahahaha... now you see me... now you don't... omg thast messed up.. -lol
  14. lerris

    lerris Member

    Wow, so mean :p Not doing anything in particular here though (as of yet), and fortunately no one comes to my door either :)
  15. yea we aint got decorations up... so pple will kno whats up...-lol

  16. it's the coolest n simplest trick!!!! u should give it a go... :p
  17. lol im not as cruel as you are... :p
  18. scaring those lil kids n giving them nightmare isn't cruel?? :p

    ur worse than i ma -lol
  19. lol i just wanna smack em around couple times with my claws! -lol
  20. wah... see?? u hit them... ur worse than i m -nono