Yup in Toronto rice prices have definitely increased, but before that happened my parents went on a rice buying spree and we now have enough rice to supply us for at least two years lol.
Rice has double or more since the beginning of last year. More incentive to go to a low carb diet Lost weight and save money
western Europe same: all grain product is raising... when will it stop? UN say it's the fault of the green fuel. i say it's just the world population is too big for mother earth to nourish it. (look at your own footprint) maybe that is why NASA and ESA have a program to conquer Mars for colonization haha
Rice is a bit more expensive than last year, would have possibly contributed about 5% - 10% increase. However the Chinese people freaked out and when they most of them went berserk to pile them up high in their own homes so that price rocketed by about 30%-50% more. If you buy your rice from non-Chinese sources then it is either the same price or about <10% more! Rice consumption is on a decline for most Chinese people. 30 years' ago Chinese people overseas and along the pacific rim used to eat about four to six times more rice they they do today. Reason is that there is pizza, potatoes, bread, pasta and a whole load of other processed food are in great abundance. Infact there is no panic for rice at all. Panic buying just pushes the price up unnecessarily.
Yeah. Price of rice like doubled. I think the more asian question to ask would be have your parents and/or friends done the asian thing to do - stock up on loads and loads of rice before the price went up? My friends dad bought 10 bags (enough for.. years! of the 20 pound rice before it went up. THAT is the ultimate asian thing to do eh? And yes, I am Canadian as the eh would give away.
same i was shopping with my mum and she said that the rice has gorwn alot maybe someone should stand up and say hey your going to far cut the price