Have you been to japan?

Discussion in 'Japanese Chat' started by xprlt, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. i had a chance to go this summer but had to pass it up..... =[
  2. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    just bought my tix, gonna b in there 2/3 days !
    can't wait =)
  3. an0nymous

    an0nymous Well-Known Member

    going at the end of the year. got a Japaneses friend to take us around Tokyo. only can afford about 1 week there. =(
  4. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    omg 1 day to gooooooooooo
    i can't wait~
  5. DragonK550i

    DragonK550i Well-Known Member

    haha i been to japan once i stay there for 8 hours.
  6. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    lol >.<
  7. an0nymous

    an0nymous Well-Known Member

    stop over ?
  8. raseberry

    raseberry Active Member

    I went there once at Hokkaidō. The scenery was really pretty.~ I see green almost everywhere :O
  9. woeijing83

    woeijing83 Active Member

    I would like to go there....cause of the beautiful scenery ...:pattytime:
  10. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    still there~
    its GREAT!!!

    now if only i could read or communicate with them >.<
  11. bokchoyjai

    bokchoyjai Member

    i studied in osaka for almost 10 months.. didn't want to come back to the states.. i couldn't find a job and was running low on cash so i had no other choice.. it was worth the experience.. for all you guys who are worried about spending a lot of money, just don't think about it so much..(if you really have no money then i guess you gotta save) once you get there you're going to have the time of your life.. because you can worry about paying off the money later.. i didn't even have money and i just took out loans.. at least i got something to remember and look back on when i think about how much fun i had with friends i made who lives on the other side of the world when i was in japan... that's more important to me.. i don't know if anyone else thinks the same as i do..
  12. HiNg

    HiNg Well-Known Member

    neva been but hoping 2 go soon!!!!
  13. Wasabi86

    Wasabi86 Well-Known Member

    been once and it was shorter than DragonK550i's experience... 2hrs!! damn stopover flight... it was so attempting to juz run out hehehe!

    got plans to go end of this year with a few friends... think the plan so far is to hit the slopes and hot springs in Hokkaido... tourist stuff in Osaka... and then shop and party in Tokyo... CANT WAIT!! -woot2
    the only downside is the expense... gonna have to save up badly after the trip~
  14. darkangel912

    darkangel912 Active Member

    almost every year to ski and visit my cousin
  15. kybhor

    kybhor Member

    Can't wait to visit Japan.
    It sounds so good, so much to do to see.
    Could easily spend months there if i have the money
  16. mr_mumble

    mr_mumble Active Member

    LOVE japan!!! the culture and the politeness of the people is prolly the best in the world!! jus makes you wantto go back...
  17. ^ go there for a year then and work like an ordinary person, you'll see its hard work like any other place.

    any place on 'Holiday' is nice making you want to go back.
  18. GreatTeacherYukari

    GreatTeacherYukari New Member

    I haven't been to Japan but it's been a dream for me to go someday. I plan on owning a nice house there someday if when I go there I find it exactly as how I think it is to live there. XD I would love going to the countryside or mountainous regions of Japan when I visit!
  19. alcyone

    alcyone New Member

    I did go to Japan, just this past summer~! ♥♥♥

    I went with my best friend, and we were there for 12 days. Had an amazing hotel in Shiba, and we had her amazing pen-pal (whom visited us first in Canada during grade 11 at our high school) show us around! It would've been rather confusing and scary without her. We got to see and do a lot with her guidance, and she was sooo kind and cute. >3< Homg.

    Our purpose, other than on a fun whim, was to go to A-Nation 2008! We ended up being sent tickets by my friend's pen-pal, and they were for Aichi, Nagoya. Kind of far from our hotel (which we definitely found out...) but it was WORTH IT, OH BABY~. ♥ We saw our favorite artist LIVE (Dong Bang Shin Ki), as well as our other well-adored musicians! We went for DBSK, Koda Kumi, AAA, and Namie Amuro, but I honestly LOVEEED every performance. It was my first asian concert. My friend saw S.K.I.N. at Anime Expo the year previous, but I think A-Nation was still her all-time favorite. :3 It was so epiccccc. ;~~;

    I miss Japan so much.
    I don't think I could move there permanently... but I'd LOVE to live there for the winter or something. Or spring. Some season. But yah. GREAT country to see! It's so gorgeous... n_____n