wellllll i have been mistaken for japanese, korean, vietnamese, and some people even speak to me in mandarin which i don't understand......
Um... only by ignorant white people. Usually, the Asian people I meet don't care as much about my ethnicity or else, if they care, it's easy enough to infer. It's kinda ironic that the Asianophiles who care the most about crap like this don't know enough to warrant their particular obsession.
never happened to me..... but to ppl who mistaken you as another Asian race do you get offended or take it as a compliment? Some of the ppl replies here sounds like other ppl should know your ethnicity automatically or they are idiots for not knowing. hell even i get confused if asians are chinese , japanese, korean, vietnamese...etc.
plenty - Korean, Chinese, Japanese - people always think im one of those. in fact, everytime im out in London or when I see an Asian, my friends always ask, sooo is she Chinese, Japanese etc??
They don't exactly 'assume' we're Jap; it's just that they're so ignorant when it comes to Asians. Haha, joking. In fact, I have been mistake as Japanese instead of Chinese, and it frustrates me so much.
I think it might be the other way around, where im from they always ask my korean friend if hes chinese lol not much Japanese people here..
it was only last month that i went into a bookstore and the woman at the till thought i was japanese. had to tell her in the end that i was chinese lol
I'm not sure if you'd consider it the same, and I'd understand how frustrating it is to be mistaken, and for people to assume. I don't want to hurt anyones feelings or offend anyone! But can you guys tell french, german, dutch british apart? i'm not sure if it's non-asians being ignorant though, i think maybe its just because non-asians aren't used to being surrounded by asians, see i can tell thai people apart from most, because i have thai in my family - i dunno, just my thoughts but yeah although not the same i can understand why you get angry, i get mistaken for being english all the time o.0 that pisses me off!
ive been mistaken for japanese, korean and vietnamese. to non asians we look the same because they haven't learnt how to distinguish different asian races through their accents and things about their appearance such as facial features and their clothing.
mistakenly called korean almost everyday... and funny thing is when i correct them that i am Chinese they dont believe it and still reckon im korean -sweat
Maybe because there's like 1% Japs in Toronto, i've been mistaken for Viet and Korean...and philipino when i came back from cuba lol ________ HERBAL VAPORIZER FORUM
some of them talk mandarin to me and some japanese which i dont get but only understand wee bit of mandarin so i can be able to learn more