wow, What kind of surgery? Hope everything went well. Well, if she's going to be like that than you finally see her true character. Real good friends are hard to find but I'm sure you'll mean new ones or get closer bonds with your other current friends.
just some surgery on the neck.. it recovering now. lol~ no problem i still miss her though..>.< -sigh- i find it hard to let go...:(
lol~ okay, i change it now..XD the whole day being busy with picture only. which one you are talking now? avatar or profile picture? -confused-
That explains why we are using the same line -cool2 The longer friends dont talk/call each other, the more awkward it become. That could be an explaination why she didnt call you (you guys didnt spoke each other for a long period causing the awkwardness) But yeah, relationship changes people, they will spend less time with you. Nothing you can change about it, I dont think you should keep putting effort in this friendship, cause you already said she ignoring you. Friends come and go, real friendship is are to find. Good to hear your surgery went well
thanks all. I really am sad about this for weeks. I need people to talk to and i think here is the best place i can go now. New people and yeah, i should have moved on. need to go to bed now. ttyl. <3
who is him? XD-what? alright, i talked to him. p/s: spammers all around! XD why is that everyone Yo YO-ing in my thread. <3