My suggestion is to just go for it. I never net any remarks affect my decision. Also, if you don't try, you'll never know. You might regret it... or constantly wondering the "what ifs". I say go for it because the worst thing that could happen is that she'll say know but atleast you would have some reassurance or an answer rather than beating yourself silly wondering. good luck.
It's always worth a try. It's at least better than nothing right? And I don't think she minds the nationality part, because if she mind, then she wouldn't be hanging out with you in the first place.
Most vietnamese girls i know are very liberal. some even speak some chinese like one i know. one time i said "dill" (f_k) and she said "dill may dill lau". hehe. li
i dont know if the hatred between the chinese and vietnamese is true. but i know for the fact is even though its true, it doesnt mean she's one of them. and you shouldnt care how other people would judge about you and her. just go for it. its a free country now. you can do anything you want. dont be scared.
first u should weigh out the factor if it is worth losing ur friendship over because obviously if u make a move n she says no ur friendship will get ackward .... but she might be the type of girl that would brush it off as nothing also.... n i doubt nationality has anything to do wit it......u should be more worried whether or not she likes u....... my brothers girl is viet n ive gone out wit 3 or 4 viet girls......dont think it matters
ask her out, siriously you cant just live your time wondering is she thinks or likes you in some way like you do take initiative! do something about if she rejects yeah yeah it will hurt but move on if she does or have a nice friendship. Also honestly chinese vietnamese? hating each other dude that happend like 60 years ago people overlook that beside your dating the person not the family
well my mom is chinese and my dad is vietnamese and they are married and if u guyz have a really fun time laugh and stuff maybe she has a lil thing for u 2 xD
It depends on both families' and the common public view of cross-racial relationships. Where I live, its pretty ok.. but you might have to face problems due to cultural differences..
my mom said that is okay for a chinese man to marry a chinese girl so i would say go for it and if u dont success at least u wont have this problem in your heart and mind anymore and also gave your self an answers
JUST DO IT! what century is this, no harm in giving a try, by end of the day, it is either you like it, or, you love it. but then again, how modern this world may seen, we still can't change the standard of thinking of both families. unless your parents and her parents are open minded, then there might be a happy ending. NEVER TRY, NEVER KNOW.