I've been in an abusive relationship in the past. One of the reasons why people continue to stay in such relationships is that the abuser has done such a good job at convincing you that you are worthless and stupid then you start to lose faith in yourself, and begin to believe that nobody will want to put up with the bs that the abuser puts up with. Another reason is that when the person isn't abusing you, the person is actually really nice and loving to you, the person you fell in love with. Then you begin to wonder what you did wrong to make him/her be abusive towards you. Another reason is that you have hope. You are optimistic that he will change one day, and the longer you stay, the more attached you are. When it comes to relationships, unless you're in it, you can't really question why there is such a relationship. Everybody has their reasons for staying in bad relationships... As for why prostitutes stay with pimps or engage in relationships with pimps, most of the time, prostitutes are people who have serious problems in life. They obviously see no value in their bodies and need to work for money. Pimps, although they take in a lot of their money, take care of the prostitutes. If not for the pimps, some of the prostitutes would not have any money. And in that sense, prostitutes feel that they owe their lives to the pimps, and that could be a reason why they stay.
BEWARE OF DICKHEADS.. you only like him cause he takes charge you want a real man so you tend to like a dick head.. but you have to ask yourself this IS IT WORTH IT!!! thats all you gotta do.. hmm well any ?? just ask lol
This is not love...you just don't want to give him up because then you'll have to start all over again and try to find the MR. RIGHT. you don't want to give up that wall *security*---but think...is this the wall you want to keep you up for the rest of your life? will he support you? make you a better person? from what you have said...he is threatening you and he knows he has control and power over you enough to get his ways. you need to get out FAST! don't try to change him, the situation, whatnot...and above all DON'T let him do these things to you!! you should be confident about your worth. take care for your sake. 15 years old...you are still young...be happy! i wish you luck.
wow..u're so young...find some1 elsee...and do soemthing bak to him that'lll make him regret cheatin on u
Let em go. Be strong women! There are millions of guys out there and I'm pretty sure most of them are better then him. A real man wouldn't need to intimidate or nearly hit a women. So go git urself a real man! If not then marry this women abuser and let him f*k up ur life and most likely ur childrens life and get it over with(or let it begin rather).