where are all the other PAers with the awesome art talent? I know there are a bunch here. I'm just basing that off everyone's signatures.
ye but quite a lot of them either don't have time or don't want to do something where there is no initiative.
Oops, Words got mixed up! Sorry, Poster was done in a hurry so got words mixed up! will alter 4 you if you decided to use this Format
a1 pro, i liked your first attempt more than this second. 2nd one to me seems a little sloppy compared to your first one. It's also not as eye catching, the dull background also doesn't print out well either. Think like the excitement of jabbawockezz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Usopc9Zf74g
Another question is how are you going to print it? what sort of Format? Do you also need subordinating graphic files? I used a lot of different softwares that you might not have in your country!
i'll be printing it, also if you don't mind could you add this email to it asianheritagemanitoba@gmail.com and that tickets are $8.00 Also leave a space for me to have volunteers to write down where we can pick up tickets. Since these posters will be placed all around the city, we're going to have different ticket pickup locations. I'm probably going to have it printed at Staples or something at 11" x 17". Well, i guess it doesn't matter what software I have. It depends what kind of software STAPLES has. lol. If you could just make it into a high res JPEG format then that should be fine. And about the JabbaWockeez thing, no I'm not part of that crew.