Helpppp again >.< comp won't boot

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by runtohell121, Dec 15, 2007.

  1. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    lol.. im still wondering... if i buy a mid tower case for my dell c521.. can i take everything out of my c521 and put it in the mid tower case? cause right now my dell c521 is a low profile case.. i want to use full size video cards..
  2. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Odds are, it won't fit. Mainly because dell uses proprietary parts. The motherboard in your current system might not be a standard form factor which all the case manufacturers abide by.

    I hate being the bringer of bad news.
  3. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    hmm i might try.. if it doesnt fit.. i'll just go buy parts to build a computer then lol