HK (Cantonese) live streaming

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Phantoman, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. robo_tec

    robo_tec Well-Known Member


    well TVPAD are still broadcasting TVB cannels illeagly, and they don't have any obligation to keep putting up TVB streams. they might just put down TVB streams one day or someone else might do it for them, who knows. So there is NO guarantee for how long TVPAD will keep streaming TVB channels.
  2. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    @hawai: Planning to order ? I already ordered one :) I just hope it's not like with 3TV which I paid for which then went offline soon afterwards. That's the risk you take knowing how these things operate. I was not aware of the media player capabilities though. Definitely a good thing, even though I have an HTPC in the living room already. If the video on demand app that JVC888 talked about works properly, then it might not be even required to download stuff anymore. Btw, it looks like they have a SopCast client for Android which they do not want to share with the public.

    @JVC888, looks like I just found your friend on Youtube :) Nice video! Looks like some of the channels were offline though in this Lilly TV (百合电视) app. Thanks for the translation and your input on the TVPad.

    @robo_tec, I think an HDMI splitter won't work if he has the same situation as me. For example right now I also have a TV in the bedroom with an XBOX1 with XBMC installed, so we were able to watch the TVB streams through that as well. I guess one option for TV is to use a splitter with a wireless HDMI transmitter/receiver (quite expensive), but my bedroom TV is an old one without HDMI. So I need to find a way to stream the channels through my network (with the added bonus of being able to watch the streams from my laptops / tablets / phones).
  3. hawai

    hawai Well-Known Member

    To JVC888:
    That's sounds great!!! I am planning to buy one this week. Do you think it has 2.7 firmware installed in the new TVPads?

    To Phanotman:
    The TVPad also has AV output, not just HDMI. If you look at this video, you can see the installation using AV cables for your old TVs.

    In the video, you can also see that there is a USB and a Micro SD slot on the TVPad. Besides playing video files from the flash drives, is there a way you can record the live channels on the USB or MicroSD? It would be nice if I can record the TVB channels on MicroSD and just play it on my Samsung or Asus Android tablets.


    If I do need help, I might need to ask you guys because I can't read any chinese -huh
  4. ntt1975

    ntt1975 New Member

    Does the website still allow watching live TV for local HK users? I tried the myTVB live link but can't really see where you can.
  5. uniqlo

    uniqlo Active Member


    if you're living in HK, you should be able to watch TVB dramas and several programs after broadcast, while the live channel is limited to 24hr news channel.

    but, if you're not living in HK, none of them can be watched.
  6. JVC888

    JVC888 Well-Known Member

    I believe so. A customer that bought 2 tvpad's about two weeks ago have the latest firmware 2.7.

    I have read a while ago that they are working on a "record" function, but they didn't tell a release date, so don't be too excited.

    I just bought a tvpad too.
    #1026 JVC888, Mar 5, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  7. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info hawai.

    By any chance, did anyone receive a phone call from a lady speaking (more like rapping) Mandarin after ordering the TVPad ? I need to record the voice mail from my phone somehow to see if someone can translate it for me.
  8. robo_tec

    robo_tec Well-Known Member

    WHAT?! a lady! well for me it was a guy who called me few hours after I placed an order, luckly that guy spook both mandarin and cantonese. anyway what he asked me was if I was sure that the delivery address was correctly filed in and that they will send the TVPAD within 48 hours and have a nice weekend.
  9. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    LOL, yeah she had a nice voice :) I'll find a way to record it on my PC if I can get my mic working again and send it over to you for translation then.
  10. robo_tec

    robo_tec Well-Known Member

    Nice voice you say, you sure you didn't ordered some sort of naughty hotline service :D
    yea let me know when you have your voice mail saved into a file.
  11. Prescott

    Prescott Well-Known Member

    I did some searching and noticed some of the old tvb links had zueiai in them. Was this the provider of the sopcast channels?
  12. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Yes, for a long time they used to be one of my sources for SopCast links until they blocked off the section with the links :(

    EDIT: To be exact, the TVB links were somewhere here , but I cannot see them anymore by using my expert ability to read Chinese :)
    #1032 Phantoman, Mar 5, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  13. boy7404

    boy7404 Well-Known Member

    #1033 boy7404, Mar 5, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  14. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Thanks boy7404, good to see that you are still active :) I have tried using myTV before, but the stream through proxy was just terrible for me. If I recall you were located in Asia, so I guess that you get better performance through proxies. It's better than nothing though.

    @JVC888: By any chance, do you know how well the Support of TVPad is ? I recall pressing on the big green button instead of the red one during the ordering process and I was forwarded to this web chat client for Support I think, but I quickly left that window. They seem to write some English in there, so I assume you can get help in English as well. Still wondering why they left me a Mandarin voicemail though.

    P.S.: I really don't feel like working today :p
  15. uniqlo

    uniqlo Active Member

    if you got ppstream installed. this is TVB HD still working (up to now), and it should be working during night time (HK), i watch 11pm news after sopcast links downed

  16. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Thanks, but how do you open these URLs in PPStream ? In the older versions there was a way to open a URL from the menu, but now I have to create a shortcut which points to the stream which I then have to double-click which then opens PPStream ... is that the correct procedure ?
  17. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Oh guys, I just had a thought (happens sometimes). If TVPad is not legit and stuff, then would they be like an organized criminal organisation like the accused MegaUpload ? I mean they even have a phone number in the US to order and they even call you back. It's like some legal company doing business as usual. I'm tempted to call TVB and ask them, lol (no I won't). So what's up with that ? Or did they find a loophole in the HK law which allows them to do this as long as they do not charge for monthly payments ? I'm really interested in knowing how they operate.
  18. JVC888

    JVC888 Well-Known Member

    I follow the product forum quite regularly and the support is quite good. If there is any problems with the channels (not working for example), customers will post the problem on the forum and the staff of this product will try to fix it. New firmware will also be posted on the forum. The main language of the forum is in Chinese (the staff write almost everything in Chinese), but it's possible to post your problem/question in English. Fellow tvpad owners could help you with your problem/question.
  19. taxidriverhk

    taxidriverhk Active Member

    Opening URL works for the newest version of PPStream which is v2.7
    But there has been a different way to open URL
    you have to use your browser (i used Google Chrome)
    to paste the ppstream:// url above, then goto that URL
    the system will ask you whether to authorize the application to access
    then PPStream will play the stream automatically....
  20. andyl

    andyl Member

    wheres the best place to get a tvpad.

    As an alternative I'm thinking of CS as only need to get a sat and a couple of DM and one subscription.

    whats people take on this?