HK (Cantonese) live streaming

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Phantoman, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. uniqlo

    uniqlo Active Member

    as suggested by taxidriverhk, that's the way opening ppstream link, paste it in browser; the other way will be creating a bookmark shortcut in desktop, every time you click the bookmark shortcut, ppstream will start and play the channel.
  2. Prescott

    Prescott Well-Known Member

    I can't get the PPS link to work for me. Used Internet Explorer and pasted the link in the address bar. PPS open up but doesn't do anything beyond that
  3. phead128

    phead128 Member

    I showed TVB Sopcast to the parents... they LOVED IT! and then it pooped on them two days later...

    Then, they couldn't resist, and bought TVPad...

    I wish I learn about this earlier (aka. free Chinese TVB or even TVPad...) because I can make parents more happy!

    It REALLY SUCKS to have your parents watching dumbass redneck channels like Ancient Aliens on the History channel... it's just sad. US TV is completely trash. UTTER TRASH except maybe How it's made... lol... but ironically, nothing is made in America anymore.

    China #1!
  4. dreamer66

    dreamer66 Member

    I have the same problem using Chrome.

  5. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    You won't believe it, but I accidentally deleted the voice mail :( Not before I asked a waiter in a restaurant to translate it for me though. He told me that in the message they told me to let them know when I receive the package. Not sure to let them know how though :) I assume that would be by sending them an e-mail to their paypal account.

    @JVC888: Thanks for the info. Btw, what happened to the Thanks button on this forum ?

    @taxidriverhk and uniqlo: Thanks for the clarification.

    @Prescott: The PPStream link works for me, but I'm not getting a good quality stream yet. Maybe I need to change some settings or something. Just make sure you have no spaces in the URL and that it's one line. EDIT: I used the Windows shortcut method.

    @andyl: You lost me with your alternative mate. Are you talking about getting a satellite subscription ? That's bloody expensive over her, I believe like 200+ Euros for 6 months. As for the TVPad, get it on their own official site if you can read Chinese or if you feel adventurous. Otherwise check eBay.

    @phead128 and the rest: All I can say is that it's booming business for TVPad. Somehow we did the free marketing for them for some time. Then they pulled the plug and just laid back while the money started to flow in :)
  6. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

  7. Prescott

    Prescott Well-Known Member

    I think that article Pantoman posted is sort of a one off. The movie and music industry are the ones putting on the political pressure to shut down sites like megaupload and mega video. TV doesn't seem to be a big priority yet (At least in North America. Don't know about Asia).
    Yes, the business model is indeed out of date IMO. TV broadcasters should not make the same mistake the movie and music industry did. People are going to find new ways or new servers to host these TV stations. With today's technology, it should be technically feasible to have IPTV should it? I wouldn't mind paying a few bucks a month to watch TVB if they decided to put it over the internet. They can leave all the local commercials in. They are much better than North American ones anyways.
  8. style_z

    style_z Member

    I have another question about Tvpad: so the TVB channels might be shut down, how about the China channels (like CCTV etc.)? Will they continue to work?
  9. Prescott

    Prescott Well-Known Member

    I spend a few hours searching around today and it looks like zueiai does not have working links anymore. Either that, or they hid new links that no one really know about. So it is looks like a new provider will have to come online.

    Seems like every other streaming site/software used those sopcast links

    I can't read Chinese that well, so I might be missing something
  10. hawai

    hawai Well-Known Member

    Besides paying the $199 after using the $30 coupon for the TVPad, did any of you guys have to pay for shipping also? I was wondering if I have to pay for shipping cost to the United States.

    Hey Phanotman or JVC888:
    Do you think there should be a new thread just for the TVPad? This thread seems like there are a lot of "off-topic" posts. It is also getting very long.
    Maybe with the TVpad thread, we can discuss things such as chinese channels, Android Apps, software upgrades, firmware, videos-on-demand, FAQ.....etc.
  11. uniqlo

    uniqlo Active Member


    i just ordered a TVPAD yesterday afternoon (i'm living in Sweden). I got a call last night, confirming the address and delivery details, they didn't mention about the delivery charge. Since the delivery is via FedEx/UPS/DHL, these companies won't take cash, therefore I assume the delivery charge is included.

    The customer service guy said it will arrive in 3-5 days.


    Though I had ordered 1 TVPAD, I'm still waiting for sopcast solution, as I can view them on my iphone and ipad. :)
  12. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member


    They have working links, they just hid them. I remember seeing the SopCast links on there one day and then the next they I was not able to access the same page anymore (it would redirect me to the main page). Maybe people now need a login or maybe they filter out people that are not from China ?

    Nope, shipping is supposed to be free unless you live in some isolated region of the world.

    I think for now we can discuss general TVPad stuff here since this thread is about "HK (Cantonese) live streaming" in general, so it shouldn't matter if you are streaming from a device or via PC. Obviously if it becomes like a TVPad technical support thread, then we better move it to a separate TVPad thread (there is one already).
  13. uniqlo

    uniqlo Active Member

    i've ordered yesterday afternoon, and got a call for confirmation of address and delivery details last night, I found that, they send my tvpad from Shenzhen, PRC via DHL.

    Since DHL won't take cash, I think the delivery cost is covered in the payment of tvpad.
  14. Prescott

    Prescott Well-Known Member

    Hm... Never occurred to me the site might be more sophisticated than I thought. I will try to access the site with a Chinese proxy when I have time. Is the URL you posted on the other page the exact one?

    If there are really hidden working links, then we might have to wait till somone spills the beans.
  15. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Well I tried a HK proxy and I was not able to access it anymore. The page used to be: . I guess it has been (re)moved. The main live streaming page is still there (, but when you click on the TVB link it redirects to the main page again. On the other hand this link does seem to be alive: . From there you can navigate to . Looks like most of the stuff does not work anymore.
  16. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Btw, when the TVPad people called you guys, did anyone of you ask for a tracking number assuming they are really sending it via DHL ? Also any idea how long it takes to arrive for people in Europe ?
  17. uniqlo

    uniqlo Active Member

    just go to tvpad shopping page and login, click the purchase detail, if it has been shipped, you will have a tracking number listed there. I just checked DHL, my tvpad was sent from Shenzhen, PRC, and is now in Hong Kong.

    I guess I will have it within 48 hours.
  18. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Ah! Thanks for the info. Well it would help if I remembered my password and also if their password reset feature actually worked :) I guess I got distracted by all the English translation when I registered. I'll keep trying to see if I remember.

    EDIT: Ok, I gave up and contacted TVPad support through this web chat client. This is surreal, the guy writes to me in Chinese and I write back in English. God bless whomever created Google Translate :)

    EDIT 2: This sucks, they have not even shipped my TVPad yet, because they could not reach me when they called me. So now they confirmed my address via the chat page and they will ship it tomorrow or so. Lol, I'm just wondering how I would have been able to communicate with that lady in Mandarin if I did pick up the phone. They were not able to help me with my password though.

    EDIT 3: Even Google Translate didn't help that much at the end though when we tried to resolve my password issue, but it turns out that I cannot receive any e-mails from them in my main e-mail account. So I created a new account using gmail and they transferred my order to that account. That all took like 30 minutes since we (me and the customer service rep) were not really on the same page *phew*
    #1058 Phantoman, Mar 6, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2012
  19. ///M

    ///M Well-Known Member

    So, if we want to view live TVB streaming now, we have to jump on the TVPad bandwagon atm. And I see myself might have to bite the bullet and go ahead order one in the coming day...-woot2
  20. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Yep, that's basically it ... until I crack the TVPad ... lol ... nah, don't think it will be that easy :)