You can use VLC player or MX Video Player (Andriod) to browse this to view TVB: rtsp://
Does not work for me. Does not matter if it's VLC or WMP, I can't play it. Probably because the stream uses RTSPT (TCP) instead of RTSPU (UDP). When will they learn ?
You can still watch from the web site. It's better than nothing at all Are people still trying to figure out the username/password for those sopcast links? Those streams were really good when they were up
You're right! It isn't the end, I tried the website, but it never stops buffering, only get 0.5 seconds after probably 7 minutes.
Prescott, where are you based ? It looks like it only works for you, so maybe you are closer to the stream source than the rest of us. Btw, it doesn't matter if you watch it from the website or not, it still tries to stream from the same mms link in the background. And yes, I am still trying to figure out the username/password, but it's tricky ... and free time is not something I have in abundance I think I found another way to watch the SopCast channels on a PC without needing the username/password though (hint). I'll be trying it out tonight, but if it works I am not going to share that for the time being (sorry).
The stream works better for me in WMP. I did increase the buffer size from 5 sec to 20 sec.
If there is a way to make Sopcast work again would be very nice... then I'll be able to watch it from my Ipad like old times lol... But for now glad that PPS is still OK... just sadly the 24hr news channel isn't on it...
Not a very elegant method, but I managed to make it work Btw, these last few days the SopCast streams have been anything but good :( Still no luck for me with 20 sec, but hopefully this info will help others.
Yep, I wish I could share more, but I don't want a horde of TVPad fanboys on my tail Suffice to say that an average PC user has no benefit from the method I found.
Well you guys must have a direct line to China or something I have added a few of those Canto streams to the main post just in case you are not the only one who can watch them.
Thanks Looks like the Feicui TVB stream is down and the TVB HD link for PPS links to some sports channel.