Just wondering how do I use these links provided on the first page? mms://live21.gztv.com/gztv_gz - Guangzhou Television main channel (广州台 or 广州电视台) mms://live21.gztv.com/gztv_news - Guangzhou News channel (广州新闻台) mms:// - TVB Jade (翡翠台) mms:// - ATV (本港台) mms:// - Guangdong Sports (广东体育) Thanks.
I think I've correctly inputted the links into the apps above but I think the links are not working anymore?
Looks like it for now. I just finished with my TVPad hacking project (successfully), but I cannot share this since I do not want to cause any trouble for the ones who have paid for their TVPad. I'm sure someone else will figure it out eventually, or have done so already. The benefit of me finishing the project though ? ... I have more time to look for alternatives So I'll let you guys know if I find anything.
Did you find an easier way of hacking it or is it the method you previously talked about which is not worth it fro the average PC user?
Not that it really helps right now, but SopCast for the Android has been released ... wooooohooo!!! See http://www.sopcast.org/update/release1.html
Finally an android release. Too bad for the username and password thing. It would have been nice to take advantage of my 6GB data plan
Btw, it looks like the streams from http://www.3ptv.cn/ are back no ? It still keeps buffering for me though.
Yes. It is back up and working like a charm so far. It is down from time to time for a bit. The other downside to it is that you don't get to see everything because certain people don't want you to see. it. I'd much rather have an HK sourced channel. Btw, ATV, ATV HD, and ATV World still work on BeTV so maybe you can make a not about that on the first post. Slightly off topic, but when is the new TV channels launching in HK? ATV isn't that great now. There aren't any commercial advertisements. They only promote their own stuff and have public messages. Can't they just sell advertisements for a dallar or something? Its better than getting nothing. I only watch the news on that channel now.
Thanks for pointing that out. I have updated the main post for BETV. As for ATV, well it's better than nothing My wife likes their Korean dramas at least.
Yeah it works! But it's streaming some home screen of a media home center...=/ Just a few hours ago it was streaming TVB...