I updated the links for SopCast: - Added alternative URLs for TVB Jade. - Added a new URL for TVB Jade HD. - Added a new URL for TVB News. See the note on how to workaround the "Invalid username or password" error.
Uhhh, in that case I don't know. On the Chinese sites they say the same thing, to retry. It might depend on your location and Internet. I wonder if I am the only one who can actually get a connection to these new streams. Anyone had luck streaming from the new URLs ?
I'd like to see what is being broadcasted at the 生活台 for example Thanks for your effort updating the addresses! I really appreciate it Btw: May I ask how do you find those addresses?
FYI, I can't read Chinese :rolleyes2:, but ok ... you are referring to TVB Lifestyle. I totally forgot about those. The others being TVB Drama, TVB Kids, TVB Classic, TVB Entertainment News and TVBM. I remember looking for those channels when they canceled UK's TVBS-E on cable here and I actually did find them, but those links died pretty fast. I'll take a look again and update the links if I find anything. Oh ... the way I find those links is TOP SECRET ... j/k ... I use plain old Google Not being able to read Chinese and all makes it a bit difficult, but I manage. So a call to all those who can read Chinese, feel free to help with mantaining this thread!!!
I can read a bit Traditional Chinese and very limited Simplefied Chinese so if you need some global summary (attempt ) contact me.
so whats the problem guys? im not having any problem watching anything. im currently watching it right now.
So you are able to watch the new URLs as well, for example TVB J2 ? They work fine for me, but until now everyone has told me that they keep getting the "invalid username or password" error no matter how many times they retry.
Well your solution isn't working for me...still getting the same "error" but thanks anyways atleast tvb jade and atv works.
I also try many times to connect to TVB J2, but I getting the same error "Invalid username or password".
only the normal tvb quality is working here i keep getting the Invalid username or password message with tvb HD or J2
Thanks for reporting this. I now marked it as not working. I barely used this option though, but if you notice it's back online let us know. I'll check from time to time as well.
The new URLs work fine for me all the time (see attachments below), so I don't think it's a matter of the channels getting full or not. If anyone figures out what the issue is, then let us know. Anyway, the thread has been viewed for more than 800 times since I added the new URLs. I can't imagine that it is failing for all those viewers, otherwise it would have been a bit busier over here
Thanks Phantoman for your hardwork! Been trying all day now with no luck with the new URLs. If you don't mind me asking... where do you live? North America, or? I want to watch the 12 hour delay, as there is a 15 hr difference from where I live. Just came back from HK a day ago actually. Edit: maybe it has to do with the Sopcast version. What version is yours?
Lucky you, whish I could go to HK again. I'm from Europe (Holland to be more specific). Makes me wonder indeed if all those who cannot access these new URLs are located in America. If you guys know your network 101, can you use "tracert" to determine how many hops there are between your PC and the source of the stream ? So for example in Windows XP: [HIDE]- Start -> Run - Type "cmd.exe" and click on OK. - Type "tracert" and press ENTER. In my case I have 19 to 20 hops.[/HIDE] I am using SopCast version 3.2.4
Don't think it has anything to do with the connection, as I tried connecting to it with servers in USA and UK with no luck. I'm using 3.2.4 as well.