she deserved it, and the dj spoke well quick. though to be honest that girl could have pranked the radio station and lied for all we know.
yea but she was laughing through it so there is a possibility it was a lie and if i was that person i wouldn't ring up the radio station and boast like that.
Hahaha...u obviously dunt know how the "typical HK girls" of them have a serious problem with their actions....
its just that pretty much the hk society has most lots of things... and lots of trends that they set for each other..of course not all are like their just probably doing what their frds did most of the time they dunt really have boundaries...their parents work like 24/7 sometimes they dunt really know what is rite or wrong...but liek i sed its only some teens...but i do think there is a probability that they can do a fake show just to make the audience angry and hate youngsters..-lol
oh gosh..14 yr old already have sex???? she just keeps laughing...wth? too bad the maids don't know how to lecture the kids...
Lol.. sigh.. i feel bad for the girl.. the guy is such a loser if her story is true.. the radio dj is funny as well as quite right PS.. the girl is like.. wow.. does she feel no shame? so embarassing..
i think that girl say a fake story . To impresse the speaking dj because if the story was real she should crying and have bad feeling what she was doing.
though it does seem a bit weird how the dj reacted cos i thought djs should be non-judgemental and what right does he have to tell her off. shouldn't it be her parents. though i guess they are too soft. still i think the story is prob made up.