I actually believe both nature and nurture serve a part of it. And it is true, there have been studies that have found that there is homosexuality among animals. Hahah.. I don't know .. but the world "practice" sounds wrong. I really wonder what ppl think about bisexuality. hmm
On what grounds does it make it wrong? Please use rationality rather than using hierarchy reasoning to support.
i agree with you on the fact that at the end homosexuality is still being seen as weirdos and that's the bottom line. some people would say that they ok with it but then in the back of their minds they think differently. not to say any of you.
i don't think being homo is genetic, i would say is depending on how the person has been raise or where and with who did he hang out and i have nothing againts them. as long as they don't do something wrong.
nothign wrong with it it could be genetic or the enviroment that tehy grew up in i dont dislike them i dont mind having them as friend but I dont want to get into a relationship like that becuase i am very traddition with how life should be
I don't have a problem with it. I don't understand why some heterosexuals are so close-minded. Gays & lesbians are very accepting of heterosexuals. They're all human, and heterosexuals are no better than homosexuals in any way. Why would it matter to you what their sexual preferences are? Being that I know of a few homosexual individuals, I don't have a problem with them. In fact, I find that they are more open to new ideas than heterosexuals.
hmm...i don't have anything agianst it..its just i have an arkward feeling if i see them...its like i have nuthing against it..but if u want to do sumthing....get a room or just don't do it front of me!
i dont think it's wrong...i have a good friend who's gay, but it's not a label or anything...you're just talking to a friend, not necessarily a "gay" friend.
I don't know it's wrong or not but it's a little scary because they looks like a guy but they are acting like a girl.
I dont think its anything wrong with it, ppl should have freedom to do what they want and yet they are still discriminated against