Mind quoting your sources, or were you there and witness this yourself? Agreed. Often, people who are emotionally connected to participants in any extreme event take the flimsiest of indicators as "proof" of one thing or another. In fact, they're willing to use just about anything that they find to reinforce or support points of view that they've already held or arrived upon. In other words, the things they say are really what they want to believe, regardless of what they actually see.
1. dumbass TRIED to throw a glowstick 2. dumbass TRIED to bash the door with a hammer, which he lost 3. dumbasses fall all over each other 5. dumbasses almost did same amount of harm as the freakin armed gunman are you kidding me phillipines? really? if the hostages knew ahead of time this was the level of filipino rescue effort, they would have had a better chance of surviving by gang rushing the gunman. good freakin lord....
The whole swat team assault did have a Keystone Cops air about it; if it wasn't so bloody and sadly tragic, it would have been almost funny to watch. I'm betting that in swat ready rooms around the world, they're already looking over these videos and using them as prime examples of what not to do. The hostages couldn't easily rush the gunman. Inside one of those buses, the quarters are rather cramped and restricted. There is only one access route, and that's generally in the center aisle, where only one person at a time can traverse. The smart thing to do would have been to pop open the windows in the back, and then slither and escape down the side of the bus while the gunman wasn't looking. A broken arm or twisted ankle is definitely preferable to a bullet in the head.
That's just some of the most fcked up things to do after such a tragic event, Taking pics and smiling like it's fun and they are on vacation touring around.
omg that's so messed up...apparently they didn't care about the whole tragic event...jeez christ..=_="...a-holes...
^ LOL Yeah. I mean.. they handle this situation pretty badly.. and they STILL take pictures of themselves & the bus? They're practically saying like "I'm proud of this"
This is a watershed moment. All of these pic are available on the net. The Filipino authorities then, should have no trouble identifying and disciplining all those who used this incident as a tourist attraction when they're in uniform and on duty. They? Who are they? The gunman? Or the policemen? Or are you referring to all Filipinos around the world in general? If that's the case, you should hear what they say about us Chinese around the world; our fake products, how we sell chemically tainted things that poison or choke children, etc. The bottom line is, there are ass holes the world over. Don't consider the idiotic actions of a few to be representative of their entire ethnic or national groups. -noclue Well, yes, but generally that's only been a worry in the outlying areas of Mindanao and Palawan, where there's been historic separatist movements over many years. In other areas, kidnapping for ransom has always been the big thing. This incident however, happened right in the heart of their capital.
this is not only a tragic event but an angering one as well there are so many problems with this incident that are just unacceptable 1. the incompetency of the swat and i think we can all agree on that c'mon trying to throw glow sticks in the bus, pulling the door with a rope, falling over each other, unable to take out the gunman despite all the opportunities? r u kidding me? 2. the president's reaction to this is not having a serious/remorseful face and blaming the media...okay i think censoring the media is better than having the gunman noe exactly wat the police is doing and losing the element of surprise, heck they shoulda used a jammer or sumthing to prevent the gunman from watching every single action outside broadcasted on the tv 3. the people's interaction....y was the scene not properly secured and y were people allowed so close to the scene that a boy was even wounded by a stray bullet? now the Philippine police are not only unable to protect foreigners but their own people as well.... also just seeing the pictures of people posing with the bus is just disgusting....do they have any idea how many people have died or been injured there? i feel srry for the family member's of the victims to see such horrid sight...i am truly revolted by this scene as a hong kong resident and not to mention human being i feel heartbroken towards this tragic incident i send my condolences out to all the victims and their family members, its truly saddening
why the hell does the ex-police officer want to be part of a group like that?! The police officers threw the sledge hammer into the bus and ran from it like it was a bomb ¬_¬ Did no one think that if there was only one aisle for movement that they should rather than attacking from JUST the back door, maybe go and attack from the back and front...
guess because its not their own people they don't really care. perhaps HK has a reputation for discrimination against their maids? but really that shouldn't come into play, it would only make themselves worse in the eyes of HK if that really matters.
that was so poorly done by the philipines autorities. the easiest solution was to lie to the policeman and catch him as soon as he surrender and why the fuck let his brother do the talking?
HK has a reputation for treating their Bun-buns poorly? Hardly. Malaysia and Saudi's a lot worse (see: http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/08/27/sri.lanka.maid.assault/index.html?hpt=T2 ). Filipinas would rather be employed in HK despite some rather broadbrush assumptions of them and their motives. Hindsight, shall we say, is really twenty twenty, meaning that what may have seemed like a really great idea at the time, is something that the authorities there only wish they could now take back. Like classics examples that have gone down in history, this hostage "rescue" is probably going to be the prime example of exactly what NOT to do on so many different levels. It's a damned shamed that so many people died because of it... :ugh: Bottom line, the commander at the scene should not only lose his job, but be brought up on charges of official malfeasance. He was the ultimate decision maker, and it was his decisions that cost these people their lives.
賓妹SWAT真係完全冇用!!! 佢哋話我哋係"overreacting"!? and why am i reading comments on YT about melamine milk and lead toys??? seriously? what the fuk do those have to do with Hong Kong...brainless 賓妹!