Odd people with acid tongue? U mean sarcastic/aggressive comments? And btw, does that mean my char dev. sucks or u just haf that biased preference for the abovementioned type of people lol? And you didn't answer, would u be disappointed if it ended the way u guessed?
I didn't quite guess anything now -innocent, I was hoping to be surprised As with characters, I just have a soft spot for the aforementioned type of character, the others just don't click for me @_@b And I am talking about sarcastic, but not necessary aggressive, comments, like the Paranoid Android... -lol
Hehe tax, i'll try.. but something that makes sense to me or seems OK, might not make sense to u.. lol ie you might say it's cheesy
Ooh.. i get it lol .. why dun u come up with ur story then ? -lol Since u said u got that writing itch.. lol And yeah even tho u didnt guess, u read the others.. lol so if they did guess correct, would u b disappointed since u 'knew'?
And I thought horror are often cheesy, one of the reason why I LOVE this genre -innocent2 Probably I won't be disappointed, as you and I both know that even though there still exist horror flicks which actually surprise us with their plot/twist, they are rare... Most of the time we kind of know how the story will go, but we still like to see how it's played out -hug
^Owww eh, if you decide to give it a cheesy ending, I don't mind some gruel details in the grande finale....-innocent
Well, i dun like cheesy endings but lol.. it's kinda inevitable I guess... I'll try my best.. haha Guesses would prolly be more clearer in the next chapter.
It's already ready.. but since u said u need some breathing spaces, I guess I'll haf to wait tomorrow to update it.. lol
Yeah give us some 'breathing space' is a good idea, because perhaps not many people were able to check PA in the weekends and they might have a lot to catch up otherwise. (and giving up reading the whole story as result)
Well like said by someone else before, not all lurkers are commenting so you might be surprised on the real amount of people reading your story. And maybe a few will reply after the end?
Well, don't wait too long before uploading the next chapter(s) before you know people are going to make their own alternative versions for the ending.
-lol yup! Think there might be 3 alternative fan fictions of a fin fiction if you wait a tad too long posting your next chapters.