so Janie had Samantha for dinner now poor Polly looks like in icecream and cake bye keep up the great work baby,i'm love this evil Janie eating ppl very poor Kaelyn tho:( i feel for mr creed too:( all hell going to brake keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great update. Seems to bump into it when the story left off on Polly again >.>! So what's really the story behind Kaelyn parents? Hmmm, I tune in on it next time XD.
well they'll probly move the body togather Carl and Janie. then make polly look like a fool but who knows it could be an all out bloof fest soon can't wait,keep up the great work baby
Finally a longer chapter... Would Carl have been brainwashed to be Janie's accomplice? Can't wait... BR's evil for not posting everything up at once >.<
Ok, wonder what roles Carl and George will play in the coming few chapers. I've a feeling Polly won't die at all...-ohmy Perhaps Polly = Rosalyn's daughter? -whistle
Eh? Me evil now ? Lol ur the one saying making the chapters sweet and short.. and not updating too often.. keep some suspense...
sure but they can say she just left for some reson but i can't wait to see what you do next @taxloss yeah i'm thinking polly won't dir nether just a feeling i i would had rader her died tho then Kaelyn's kinda made me feel bad for Kaelyn:(
Well, she would just assumed that Mr. Creed killed Sam and buried her somewhere = reason he's running late -devil
Polly's still alive after all this XD. Soon everyone is gonna start disappear one by one, then "Boom", Kaelyn gonna start seeing some bodies lying around just like most horror flicks -whistle -sweat .
Lesbian actions!!! So I guess Mr. Creed will come and save the day? Or would it be polly? George??? Can't wait... And love the dawning of realization on K -devil