I actually like the ending. I didn't expect all those act that the devil committed to be blames on Polly sending her to a mental facility. So was it actually the devils plan to leave Polly alive so it could put the blame on her? Makes me ponder on what the devil is going to do in the future after possessing Kaelyn body and what ever happens to Mr. Creed. Whether or not he's dead or he will be along side with the possessed Kaelyn. Thank you for the great story and hope there will be more in the future. -bigclap
-clapclapbbbbbbbbbbabbbbyyyyyyyyy -clapclap i finished jor la........errr what can i say....jok ga really jok ga...i htought it was really good....even if i dont really read this genre of books but had to read it becuase it was bbbabbby story -^_^...... overalll i thought the story was really good.....love the twist in it with janie and kae......really did give me a shock......and the it flowed really well...ho ging ah jok ga -worship
Hey, yo peeps. Thank you for the lovely and great comments! -hug Keep them coming please! Appreciate them, and glad all of you (so far) liked the ending, with the exception of mgfcortez... -lol (And special -kiss1 for those of you who have clicky the thanks button!-blush2) Some of you have mentioned a sequel... Hmm, if anything, I might do the first chapter of the sequel, and let you peeps decide whether a sequel should be made or not. If the response is good, I'll continue, if not, let's just leave this story alone yeah? And to be honest, I have NO idea how the sequel is gonna be at the moment! Like they have said, some things (movies especially) should be left alone because the sequels usually suck. So ... I'll keep you guys posted! -^_^
This story is beyond excellent. It's more than perfect and should be made into a movie. If this story was published, J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, and Tom Clancy would have to step aside.
BBear... i wrote the first chapter of the sequel.. Will you read it ma? (I think i'll post it tomorrow or the day after) Hehe give me your honest opinion OK? If you think it's not interesting, then tell the truth so I won't continue and leave this story alone as it is...
^ hehehehehe........would that because im too honest sometimes......mebe i should turn on the charm like mo duk ding hahahaha -rotfl
Honesty is the best policy! So be honest.. if the sequel (first chap) isn't interesting at all, then no point to continue, as it will ruin this story as well.
Wah I expected a 'longer' comment than a one-liner leh. Considering it's a comment on the story overall -tongue2 Besides I think if I have spent so much time writing it, what's writing a few extra words of comment? Uhm, yeah, there MIGHT be a sequel. Since some of the people here have mentioned it, I figured I might try to write the FIRST chapter of the sequel, and I'll leave it to you guys to decide if it's any good. No point to continue the sequel if it's just gonna mess up this story right?
-ohmy that is sooo good...its fantastic....have you got a manager hired yet for your work......i can see it hitting all the book stores now...its gonna be a sell out....you rock.....imagine all the book signings you could be having.......all praise the PA jok ga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -worship -worship -worship hahahahaha j.k.... after reading the "epilogue"......took me a while to re-think who polly was but then it all came flooding back -lol......as i thought all the characters died lol.......overall i think the start seems okay...... my thoughts would be if you were to continue the story for like a few more chapters if you want but not to long max 10 chapters per say...as if you pull it out......it would seem as though you're milking the story a little......well i guess it kinda depends on if you have much of a story line to this one......as if you were to re-tell a similar story to the 1st one but from polly's point of view i dont think it'l be a good turn out.... side note.....pump heels?? you mean kitten heels??
^Huh? what you mean arh? I thought you already read the "Epilogue" when you commented in post #483 wor? -huh Don't tell me you left the epilogue out? lol Hmm, no if I were to continue, it would be another story of equal length, kinda like a sequel to this one... But, we'll see ok? You can look at the first chapter (I'll make it extra long) and decide if you want to read any of it further And you are right, if I don't have much ideas, it would be kinda like 'milking the story'! So, I'll let you guys decide... (with the first chapter). P/s: Pump heels lor.. Pump shoes with heels.
-smileb.....hai arrr.......i forgot the epilogue teem.....whoopsiesss...... i thought that was the ending teem.... " Her lips curving upward, drawn into a smile, she said, “Daddy…” __________________________________________________ _____________________________________ " hahahaha
Whoa... hahaha, and you missed out the 'news clipping' too??? Then how did you figure it out? (the ending) Or you had no idea that the demon went into Kaelyn now? lol