Well, it's the horror genre isn't it? Perhaps ab289 had expected the stories like in the Playboy... -lol
^Yup hahaha.. He guessed 'lesbian jealousy' lol... I am just not sure if everyone would be happy with gore though.. -unsure
Erm, make a censored version and an X rated version for da gore enthusiasts and hide the text in the same background colour?
LOL... that'd be too taxing .... :> I am lazy... Gore all da way okie? Funny, the views hit 1k but not many people replied and commented... I guess there were plenty of silent readers... or prolly clicked n run off... lol
BOOOH Now, the weak hearted have either died or just left, it's safe to go gory all the way. -whistle
well we know poor Kaelyn is going to be pissed.lol i've lost all respect for Carl now,unless it's magic that made him sleep with Janie. well i'm sure Janie she'll brobly control Carl and have him killing shit now,kinda like taxloss said.lol i think the dad will brobly help out in the end and maybe even Carl might live and come to think for him self again and get back with Kaelyn but then again.lol who know's
Chapter 7 updated... This is where I picked up from long, long, long ago... So I am currently cracking my head to come up with the new chapters... Hope you'll be patient for the updates. Note of warning: Chapter 7 onwards may really suck, since I have NOT been writing for soooooo long... lol
LOL, thanks. Well, okie so u'll better start giving me ideas now... Should I drag it? Develop the plot more? the characters? or shd i go into the finale now?
If you keep the 'Janie is possessed track', perhaps you can try this: [HIDE=3538] After the attack, Janie accuses Polly of attacking her first and she was only trying to defend herself. [/HIDE] or [HIDE=3538]Janie is possessed...but so is Polly. The demon in Janie hates the manipulative demon in Polly who makes Polly look like a cry baby. It's only a matter of time before Polly's demon is showing her ugly side in a very subtle way, thanks to Janie. And Polly only wanted George to feed the demon inside her. [/HIDE] Those are just my ideas, see what you do with it. I'm going finish painting the house, so I'll be back in a few hours.
LOL, cool hidden posts with 3538 requirement... lol Thanks Tax... And haf fun painting -^_^ But you didn't say, whether you would like me to get into the finale soon; or develop it more?