if there's one person that ought to be shot right now, you would be the one. What the FOOK are you even thinking.. it's like offering crack or some shyt to a person you cared about. Not only do you not care about the well being of yourself, you try to drag people into potential health hazzard to the a close one. Good joB! you really made a good rep for all the guys out there.
you could always find another girl that smokes...there are plenty of other hott girls out there that smoke willingly.
here's whatchu doing.. it's really simple: 1) you give her my #, (PM ME FOR IT) 2) go suck a lemon 3) go find a girl that already smokes so she can see how disgusting men that smoke are already are...
smoking is bad for health so if u don't want to stop (or don't have what it takes to stop), just don't drag others to jump with u....
she aint gona stay hot for long after she starts smoking. smoking causes premature aging, yellow teeth, and bad breath amongst serious health risks.
he wants her to smoke pot, get high, then take advantage.............................................JUST KIDDING! DONT TAKE MY HEAD OFF
Haha, you're a sav. Smoking is cool, but getting hot girls to do something harmful is not a good thing to do. If she's not hot, I'd recommend adding some tobacco to foods she does like in gradually larger portions and study responses like if she notices it or getting used to it or something.
you smoking something? didnt you go to school and learn about smoking? SMOKING IS NOT COOL! NOT WHEN YOUR LUNGS TURN BLACK!!!!
OMG this guy is whack, seriously. Smoking is a bad habit and you're trying to force your loved one to try it? Ughh. You disgust me.