How do u mend a broken heart?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by anti, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. haha... nah... those games r played for drinks not $$... to technically it's not gambling... right?? :p
  2. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    Try forget and do lots of stuff soon you will feel better
  3. chinaman

    chinaman Active Member

    Go clubbin. There are girls there that would make you forget you gf even if you were still together. Your single again so live it up. Enjoy the freedom. No bitching, no whining, no arguments. You can do whatever you want. So go out and have fun. It's only a matter of time before you find someone else to hook up with, so make the most of the time you have now.
  4. awwaves4ever

    awwaves4ever Well-Known Member

    I think hanging out with friends definitely help. Thank goodness that my relationship didn't end too badly but for a very long time, I found myself listening to some really tragic-sounding music. It just suited my mood. And I talked it over with most of my friends and I had to convince myself that life would go on and that the breakup was for the best. It really never felt the same afterwards though. It's like your sudden half just disappeared and you're all alone. -unsure It was only after that I realized that out of everyone she knew me the best. And all along I thought she wouldn't be able to understand me. I don't know what I would've done if I those my friends weren't around. Drinks? PFffft. I might as well stick a handful of tylenol down my throat.
  5. _Nightwish_

    _Nightwish_ Well-Known Member

    If you have a lot of friends supporting you, you can make it...My heart was broken and i´m only 19...He was messing with a girl at the same time he was mesisn gwith me but we didn´t really get involved because I didn´t trust him fully. However my heart recovered by clrearing my mind. I thought, I´m not the only one with a broken heart and many people has it more bad than me. AND the most improtant thing, I´m only 19 and I have the whole future waiting for me, why crying for a guy when theere´s so much better to do in your life.

    So I decided to start a new life and just heading for my dreams. Many things will happen, I may get my heart breaken again and be sad again but I will grow up and I will learn. :)
  6. sai

    sai Well-Known Member

    lol... that guy is a playa
  7. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    broken heart? this calls for some duct tape
  8. taichi_masta

    taichi_masta Well-Known Member

    0 of my favorite bands!! =P
    And that's a very good attitude, head for your dreams =P
  9. danpire

    danpire Member

    Stay away from R&B music .. it just makes you sadder .. :(
  10. yup... stay away from love songs that u understand... it just makes things worse when it reminds u of what's happening... listen to happy songs or a song in a language u don't understand :p
  11. tofie

    tofie Member

    i'd say keep busy with other things, hang out with friends, do stuff you always wanted to do but couldn't coz of her, and just move on in life coz there's no point to keep dwelling on it...takes time to heal. but yeah, alcohol can help but just don't end up doing something stupid that u'll regret! lol.
  12. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Hmm... lots and lots of chocolate! And ice cream.
    But um... basically what tofie said. Keep your self busy and stuff.
  13. _Nightwish_

    _Nightwish_ Well-Known Member

    Keep busy with other things? Isn´t it better to solve the problem and deal with it. I don´t think alkohol will´ll just help you for a few hours but the sorrow remains. The best thing is to solve and deal with it and move on.
    Like you said, do things you always wanted to do. :)
  14. _Nightwish_

    _Nightwish_ Well-Known Member

    Hehe, does it really help?? a lots of ice cream and chocolate? hihi...I treid this once but I just gaind weight...I felt worse :D But luckily I cleared my head...started to work out again nad tried to keep fit too :D
  15. Kablamo

    Kablamo Active Member

    time and rebound isn't a bad because you redirect your feelings to someone else. kinda selfish, but do what it takes to make you happy.
  16. Kooslee

    Kooslee Well-Known Member

    yes time is definitely a good healer. I don't think drinking would help anything. Don't they have a saying that the more you drink the more you will depress. I think you should get busy so you would have no time to think about that relationship anymore. And top most avoid the person that caused your heart break.
  17. Hubjub

    Hubjub Well-Known Member

    Cry Cry and more Cry
  18. macie

    macie Member

    the best thing to do is just simply move on.... and enjoy what's around you then you'll realized that that person isn't worth ur tear... i mena i've experinced it and i know how it feels. Trust me if you want that person back back.. don't go to them let them come back to you... i know it's hard but trust me... moving on is the best.. life's all aabout moving forward not backward....
  19. _Nightwish_

    _Nightwish_ Well-Known Member

    Avoid the person? Uhm doesn´t it mean you´re running away from your problems?
  20. cupofmilk

    cupofmilk Member

    from past experience... just vent if you're angry. go chill with your friends. keep yourself busy. some alcoholism is alright... esp with all them chinese drinking games!!!! reciepe for fun all night