Say this to a girl.. "How do you like your eggs... raw, cooked, or fertilized" ;D I like my eggs sunny side up
I like it fried two sides, don't cook the york, put on the top of a bowl of rice with soy sauce to eat.
put boiling water in a thermos type thing.. put a room temperature egg in it for 5 mins.. eat the egg with a spoon.. the egg yolk is SWEET!
I just like eggs in general. But i like my eggs cooked differently for different occasions. I tend to prefer my eggs poached or easy done though, because i like the rawish egg yolk..
easy over! Or sunny side up but mix the liquid yolk into the cooked egg white, not sure what this is call......
<3 I have to agree with that My grandma cooks that for dinner from time to time. At times she adds crabsticks into them as well, its nice.