well, in my opinion fashion is my everything nD of course looks in it. but! i think ur other half shouldnt like you for ur looks but for your personality, the way you are. also, your looks will change.
i thought this WASN'T the real world, cuz this is the internet world. which also consumes to the matrix world. therefore, i think u should show us who u r.. since this is the internet matrix world.
looks are pretty important, but im not saying i only go for hot girls. The looks have to be what I like, so its really personal preference, but then if the person only looked good but had some crap personality it would not work out. So again looks and personality
He doesn't want to show us his face because he wants to prevent our PCs from crashing. How thoughtful of him. -tongue2
^ -shock -sick2 looking good, is linked to being healthy and having good genes, so you subconsciously choose "good" looking people... i think
in this forum, most of u guys would say that looks don't matter but personality does.. but in the real world, are u guys like this? cuz i know that most of u wouldn't mean what u meant, besides only in forums. come on... most of you guys in the real world would see looks first than personality.. but in forums, u would say the opposite.
looks do matter... unfortunately! attracted by looks at first, but then if the personality sucks.. then whats the point
yeah... but i once thought this guy's looks were really bad... n we got to know each other better... n then i thought hmmm... he's not a bad person... n then we started liking each other so i guess looks r not as important personality...
I agree with what you've stated. It is usually a reflex for people to say that inner beauty is more important. However, we most likely will not be interested in a person who does not have some outer beauty. Of course, if we got to know them then things could change, but since there is no initial spark, it's difficult to go to the next level. Therefore, initally, outer beauty is more important in the beginning, but in the long run, inner beauty will most likely outweigh the exterior.