10 15mins and i am out the door. i usually wake up right on time so i dont spend much time getting ready.
*sigh* it suks being a gurl cuz we have to shower, do our hair, clean our face, PICK out our outfit!!!( that takes the most time i swear) and yea make up too lol i think i take about half an hour
haha.. i take around 30 minutes too.. actually 45 more like.. shower. creams on, dry hair. gel hair. pick clothes. put on clothes. take clothes off. put another outfit on. curl my eyelashes. put on make up. pick out purse. transfer items to picked purse. find socks or shoes. and then get keys. drive XD. that's mostly it.
u know what i don't care how long my girl takes as long as sh doesn't make ME LATE. keep that in mind girls~
If I do my hair and eat breakfast, It takes about 30 minutes or so. If I skip the hair, I can get done in about 15.
nah i got short hair, eye length but yeh takes me that long cause i dont know how to do my hair properly and always want it to be styled perfectly so i have to redo it a few times until im satisfied.
i usually take about 15mins to get ready...if in a hurry then 5-10...sometimes my hair takes too long and i waste like 20mins =/
20mins to get ready: shower brush teeth wash face. then 10mins to get dressed. done! oh and depending what stlye of hair for that day lol
10 min to pee, brush teeth, change clothes, and tie hair up I hate showering in the morning >:| I shower after my classes are over~