when i already washed my hair the night before, it only takes me half an hour to get ready in the mornin
about 10 minutes the shortest and half an hr the longest. Since i dun wear makeup, it saves alot of time.
hmm 20 minutes to brush teeth, wash face, take a shower+wash hair, change, put on make up and pack my lunch...really rushed but i like to sleeeeeep zzzzzzzzzz
Half an hour is all I need. go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face, take a shower and have breakfast.
takes me only 15 mins to get ready when i had short hair. Now that it ha grown, and that i make such a big fuss abt my every single strand of my hair, it takes my 2x the time
Well, 10-15 miutes (that includes, brush my teeth, take a shower and then do my make-up) I never comb my hair, no need to
I always wake up at 6 o'clock and I Need an hour to get ready xD For my hair I need 20 min or more lol I know it's freaky but my hair are like grass >_> Need WAX to make each earthspike style!
lol, ermm.. 10mins. But i always wake-up late. >< so in the rush! but when i do wake up an earlier... take me like 1/2.