On 11 March, if good timed, it will take me - 45 minutes (Due to change from Winter time to summer time )
with shower, 30 min cuz i brush teeth and wash face in th e shower xD! and i just pick random clothes without shower, like 10 min cuz i have to have clean teeth =] i dont want anymore fillings x_x
an hour.. for shower, blow-dry hair, dress, put on make-up, pack lunch, get ready for school, and a cup of milk tea and then im out the door~
well..if i put my make-up on and all it takes bout 30 min, but if i donĀ“t wanna make up then it just takes 15 min..
each day is different. it depends on what activities are involved or who i need to see. for instance, if i have an oral exam or meeting with a supervisor, therefore i need to dress nicer, and that takes longer... maybe 45min if its just a regular day, roll out of bed and head out in 20min
alarm rings and im gonna snooze it about 2times, wake up, give my kittens food, den grab my towel, brush my teeth, take shower, choose what to wear, heat car, moisturize face and drive to work. mostly in half hour
usually for school it takes me 45 minutes with makeup and eating and such, but if i was in a hurry, all i need would be 5 to 10.
It takes me between 30mins - 1 hr to get ready in the morning, including the time it takes to brush my teeth, wash my face, shower, wash my hair, blow dry my hair and make-up