7-8 hours is just right, but whenever I sleep past 12am, I can never feel really refreshed the next day.
I've been sleep deprived since 7th grade. That's even before high school XD It wasn't as bad then, but now it varies. Generally, I'd get 4-5 hours.
I get about 7-8 hours of sleep a night, and atleast one nap during the day. I'm not going to lie i LOVE to sleep.
Around 6 hrs, but up to 14hrs during the weekends (depending on my schedule, I do brunch and breakfast dim sum occassionally, then I will have less sleep)
Only about 6-7 cuz of work and school; Sleeping is the human's nature state, we should get enough rest to re-energize for the next day according to my PSYCH professor.
When I was at college I slept long nites... lol Went out and the slept the whole afternoon... I think I slept 10-11 hours a day... Skipped classes juz to go out and stuff like that... Since I'm working.... I juz sleep 5-6 hours... I do take a 15min powernap in the afternoon... Nowadays it's always work work... It's like I never have time to do other things... So I keep myself busy till 6am in the morning.... Juz tryin to make my day full....
6 - 8 Sometimes, I feel like sleep is a waste of time. Then the next day comes and I feel so stupid for feeling that