Anywhere between 4-8 hours a night, depending on what classes I have the next morning. Usually, I'm very flexible with my sleeping hours, meaning, I could sleep 4 hours one night and 8 the next, and feel completely fine the next morning. I guess you just get used to it after a while (college).
i usually get from 4-15 hrs of sleep. depending on how i feel. i mostly work at night for its hard for me to sleep in the day. on my off days i can sleep for the whole day if no one calls me to go out.
i dont' sleep. i power nap. sleep for 2 hours, study for 2 hours, sleep for 2, study for 2. repeat until death arrives
i love to sleep when i am extremely tired, so tired i feel like i can sleep standing up! but i try to sleep 8 hours at least, but i usually end up sleeping 6 hours
On average about 8 hours on school days, 3-5 if i sleep late, I sleep a lot during class time though >.<" then about 10-12 in weekends cos i lurve sleeping in hehehe!
around 7-8! hahaha, but i wish i cud sleep less like some of my frds, they only need like 5-6 hrs a day! i reckon if i sleep less then i wud hv more time to do stuffs. XD
it varies...i usually don't get much sleep though. it ranges from 3-6 hours on weekdays. i get more sleep on weekends though. =)
On average, 6-7 hours a night. On days before a test, sometimes, I get 3-4 hours. (Note to self: freaking out = bad)
about 9 hrs...get tire if lack of sleep...and i go to bed around 12...i dont know how some ppl can stay awake for the whole nite or sleep at 4 or 5 am...i couldnt stand it...any tips?
usually 6-8 ,.. but i luv to sleep. so when i have time for it I use to sleep around 12 hours Xp but actully i never have time for nowadays.. :(