I get about 2-4 hours each day because of school and it's not school then I'll get 12 hours each day of hybernation... =]
i get around 6-8 hours of sleep. i know that if i dont get that amount, i wont function well during lectures.
It varies from time to time. I sometimes get 8-9 hours of sleep. Most of the time I would get about 4-5 hours of sleep. And other days, when I have something that needs to be done I would get about 2 hours. So I would be averaging about 6 hours of sleep. But even though I get enough hours of sleep, I still end up sleepy and tired. As of now, I'm sleep deprived... so I'm hoping to get in about 6 hours of sleep.
While I'm in school, I only get about 7 hours.. but once school had ended, i've been sleeping 10 hours a day!
I think i need two alarms, one to tell me I have to go to sleep, and one for waking up obviously. Hehe. Only been getting 4-5hrs since my summer semester began a week or so ago. Had something closer to 5-6hrs in the spring semester. So...been quite the effort to stay awake in lectures. Need to fix...
omg... bad reminder lol.. been cutting off sleep sooo much these days... sleeping like 5-6 hrs only >.< on weekends I catch up on sleep hehe! sleep like 10+ hours lol
I f I have to go to school or to work the tomorrow morning, then I sleep only 6-8 hours, but on hollidays or the week-end I can sleep up to 15h .....
sleeping is always important to me....6 to 7 hours sleep is a must in my daily routine....especially during exam time as I always think that without enough replenishment of your body and mind, you can't perform well in your daily tasks..