I get about 7-8 hours. I have to get at least 7 hours or I feel horrible... I try to sleep around 12am or earlier but that's almost impossible lol No sleep is very bad for you!!
Sleep is very important. Believe it or not, studies show that sleep is necessary for staying heathy and living longer. A lack of sleep over years can cause all sort of complications in the long run---stress, low immune system, or worst cancer. Sleep allow your brain and body to heal itself from a long day of activity. Its the nourishment that keeps you staying from looking like a zombie in the morning. LOL avg. recomended amount of sleep is between 8 to 10 hours. But I get between 7 to 8.
Nowadays, I can sleep in for 10 hours. @_@ It's crazy.... But I somehow feel even more tired after sleeping too much...
Weekdays, less than 8 hours, but makes it up on saturday. weekend in the morning nice and quiet, nothing beats that, especially rainy days, even better. Rain sounds are really soothing when you are sleeping.
for a healthy outcome... 6-8 hours.. anything less constantly will make ur health bad.. -_- especially working or studying very late like after 1am.. can make u grow cancer (Seen on a science article) So sleep early!! =P
dude i dont know what happened but i went bed on Wednesday and missed Thursday, i woke up not long before the 'angie and databeast show'. but i do about 8 hours, maybe 9
lol i have just expreinced 3 hours of sleep, i was messed up the next day -_-, esp when ur like not doing anything , so easy to dose off
its torture when you do a all-nighter then have to travel to uni on bus >.<, i always end up sleeping like i was in bed.
8 hours is recommended and 10 hours is max. If you sleep too much you risk losing information that your brain retains. You sleep too less you feel tired.
ye its very hard to sleep for 8 hours with school though, i reckon i get about 6-7 during school days. a little bit more if lucky and more on the weekends as i don't have to wake up as early.
ugh I donated all my sleep to engineering. During the year I get like 6 unless I try to be really disciplined. I try to get more around exams though.
sleep what is sleep?? Hmmmm i don't like to sleep....weird i know......but i do sleep like on ave 5 - 7 hours