Hmm now with the course im taking barely get to sleep 6hours like i used to really exhausted wish to get more sleep >_<
i get about 6-7 hrs of sleep due to school as well. Well.. more like procrastination and bad time management for me... must change soon for the hsc>.<""...
I try to get in at least 8 hours a day..sometimes its hard with school and stuff...but if i dont get a minimum of at least 6 hours a day i find myself yawning a lot
if it´s school i usually get 6 hours of slepp, but when it´s holiday or weekend or something I get about 10 hours of sleep
Study time normally 5-7 hours only.. holidays... try to give my self 9-10 hours.. play time..... normally sleepless... wahhahahaha
Tried 3 days no sleep aswell playing poker and big 2....... Was i so wrong. Now adverage 6 hours a day. Quote from my boss: You don't need sleep. You'll get as much as you want when your dead.