i usually get 6-7 hours of sleep. Less than 6 hours causes headache and unable to concentrate in whatever im doing.
6-8 on skool day, ummm weekends 9 hrs, days that i ahve nothing, 9-10 hrs, and when i do have sumthing, 6 hrs
i've fixed up my sleeping hours and now its 8hrs a day.. but cos its weekend...i stay up a bit later...but still get my 8hrs ^^
lol, i cant believe it, my sleep is getting less and less on school days , only like 5 hours of sleep a day....... i think i get more on the weekends coz i can sleep in a bit more
I've been awake for 21 hrs now XDXD had a boring morning, then night fell,... kareoke with some friends (8:30 till 4 am), went to a snooker/ pool hall... didnt end up playing... got home... didn't want to sleep and its now... now LOL!! i still feel pretty awake XD lucky theres PA.. otherwise i would be more bored... lol