well now in the summer, i get about 9 hours sleep, which is roughly what i need but on school days, about 6-7 hours... or less >.<.. should really start sleeping earlier, school soon -_-
normal sleep for adult ppl is 8 hour.... if u less than it, then u're having innormal living style... if can, i wanna sleep 10 hour ^_^
For some reason, I need at least 8 hours of shut eye sleep. If I lose even half an hour, I tend to fall asleep in class... 8 is like my minimum requirement which I don't really like lol
for the last 2 weeks during weekdays i've only been getting around 5-6 hours sleep....thank goodness for the weekends ^^
I sleep like 5 hours because their are other stuff to do besides sleeping and sleeping too much makes you lazy
i sleeping too long for my liking but i can't seem to wake up before then. at the mo i'm getting like 10 hours of sleep lol.
lately about 5, but thats cuz i go to bed at like 430 in the fooking morning... i dunno why i do it either, so far iv just been watching mythbusters into the wee hours of the morn.
9 hours normlly -cry2(depends on is it exam season or not ) , but we only need 8 hourSSSSS~~~~:sleep:
been getting about 4-5 hours of sleep now any suggestions on getting to bed early? i mostly need to wake up at 7am now