Before when I was in high school I sleep a lot, more than 8 hours. Now, I'm happy if I even get 5 hrs.
lol sleep...sum college kids get plenty of sleep.....may miss a few classes becuase of sleep i sleep bout 6 or 7 hrs...
I usually get about 5-7 hours of sleep, depends on when I get my tasks for work done -sleep , of course I would want more sleept lol -sleep
since im not in school or watever i get..about 10 hours of sleep...i sleep at 3-5am and wkae up at 12-2
4-5 hours, work, school, and sports.. I had to cut many times in order to catch up on work..ironic, isn't it? I miss school in order to make up school work..
omg u ppl slp so less =P I am force to slp at 10pm but i usually wake up around 8am =) that is for high school xD college i get around 8hrs but 10 if im lucky =P
haha...yeah i was like that last yr....go to sleep round 3am and waking up around 6, 6:30am. but the funny thing was, i wasnt tired -unsure , but then this yr when i go at around 12ish and waking up at 7am, i am like tired as hell....and never wanted to wake up
used to hv at least 8 hours of sleep but ever since i got addicted to pc games, i've been only gettin 6 hours everyday!
it really depends... the least hours of sleep i got is 3 hours and the most is probably 8 hours which i don't often have.