according to researchers, 7,5 to 8 is healthiest sleeping hours, u may life longer, but due to my work sometimes i will sleep less and sometimes sleep longer
it varies..... if i dont have school... a majority of the time would be 8 -12 hours of sleep hahaa... if i have school... usually 5-6 hours.
Normally, I will have 5-6 hours of sleep. BUT on exam days and days where I need to do projects, I only get 1-2 hrs of sleep. During summer, I will have 9-10 hours of sleep, trying to make up the hours that I loss during school time.
I only need about 6 hours of sleep. Normally would go to sleep around midnight and be up by 6am. On weekends, can go with less than 6 hours of sleep.
Probably 7 average. If I only get 4 one night, I'll make it up on the weekend by sleeping 11-12 hours.. probably not the best for my body but anyhow...
I want to get at least 6 hours of sleep a day but it never happens. I'm lucky if i get in 5 hours of sleep a day. There is just not enough time in the day for all the work to be done (personally and work) and sleep.