I usually need 6-7 hours of sleeping, but if i am extremely tired, i would need 8 or 9 hrs of sleeping
Modern society kills our sleeping time ! What are you guys doing at night when you are not sleeping , trolling PA ?
I'm not a hard sleeper so I get easily woken up, especially when my mom talks so dam loud in the morning. Still I'll try to get 6-8hrs sleep.
I usually get about 4 hours, but now I've been getting 13 hours of sleep per night cause I sleep with my girlfriend now and it's more comfortable you know
about 12 now that exams are over.. haha... but we're supposed to sleep in 90 minute cycles so i guess 9 hours would suffice for me... ^^
I get 5 to 6 hrs everyday only. I sleep at 1 or 2am and wake up at 7am for work. Who needs sleep when u can sleep during lunch LOL. Sleeping just wastes ur whole day, go out and LIVE.