6 to 8 hours is sufficient for me. If I go over this time, I get up feel nausea and not 'with it' throughout the day. The exception is when I'm really tired,esp after driving long distances, I tend to sleep longer. Waking up fresh then is not a problem.
meh.... i only get 6-7 these days, compared to 2 yea rs ago i get 8-10 =\. I really think if you start to get into the habit of sleeping late and waking early, you start sleeping less
sometimes i wanna sleep & can't get any...tried pills, alcohol, massage, music, everything....too much stress?!?
I usually sleep at 2am on school days, and wake up at 7am. :( I wish I have more sleep. I need to do my work in a faster pace.
yeh i get about 6-7 hours each day but by the end of the day i'm so tired i can fall asleep within seconds