It depends wich day it is. Normally i would sleep like 6 a7 hours before i had to get up and go to work. In the weekend i would sleep like 8 to 9 hours.
I have only 6 hrs sleep. I don't know why but I don't want to sleep more than this time. And there's also no feeling of the tiredness or any kind of the depression or any thing else due to very less sleep......
Since it's easter holidays it changes. I posted my sleeping hour already but just wanted to update my sleep. I get like 7-9hours now since I sleep around 3-4am and wake up at lunch hours.
Hi,,, I have noticed most of the people enjoying the sleep of 8 plus.On the average Doctors told that 6-8 hours sleep is necessary for good health. I am sleeping just 5-6 hours these days because of the extra burden of work.
Why you sleep for 5-6 hours. You have better to sleep in a day time for at least one hour. Because you will get sick of it and health is very important matter. Take care of your health and also your fitness. I sleep for almost 7 hours.
I can sleep only for 5 hours because of my busiest routine. Is it enough and good for health? Tell me how much time i need to sleep for my health.Reply soon. Thanks
I usually get about 7-8 hours of sleep on school night. I find that plan out appealing acceptable because sleeping for than 10 hours makes you feel very tired.
I average around 7-8 hours of sleep. Sleeping less than 6 hours does not allow you to rest to your full potential. While some people can do it and function, they are losing valuable rest time and over time, it can be detrimental to their health.
around 8/9 on school days and 10-12 on weekends. my body doesnt function properly if i get less than 8 =3=
Thanks For shared nice post. Well the latest I've ever gone to sleep is 4:30 am in the morning and I got up around 1:00pm in the afternoon. So I guess I need at least 8 hours sleep when I've gone to bed late, but on school days I still sleep around 1:00am in the morning and get up at 6:50am and I'm not too tired.
I usually get 9-10 it seems like a lot but when i wake up in the morning i feel refreshed and energized!
definitely too few .__., just about 6-7 hours i have to get up at 6.15 am, i could get more sleep if i would go early to bed not until 11am..^^"