yup he's a lo yan ga haha.......what's different between taking a nap at the beach and at home....they're still naps
I get about... 7 hours or so? But summer, I'll get more so yeah. Just for now. But school days, usually 7-8.
It's true... the time where he should be sleeping, he's on here. lol. Eh I actually don't know... I haven't stayed up that late to find out... o.o
i usually get like.. 4 hours of sleep avg.. this would be because either i have work.. summer school.. helping out at home.. or chillin with friends -_-!!.. wish i had more time to sleep:(
i get about 8-9 hours of sleep a night for the summer. when school starts, forget it. maybe just 6-7 hours or less.
for school, i usually MUST get 8 hours of sleep or i wont go to my moring classes. But during finals week, i wouldnt sleep for a day or days =( as for the summer, i get about 9-10 hours
well i always get at least 7-9 hours of sleep .i get tired very early and need my beutysleep or im gonna get cranky the next day and start to harassing everyone.>.<
Ha, like almost everybody, I get fewer hours of sleep than I'd like. Maybe about 5 or 6 hours, but if I could, I'd prefer to have 9 hours.