only English and Cantonese. im learning Mandarin though! but i tend to forget all of it when i need it most. =\ English has got to be my favourite.. it's so easy to write/read/speak!
mandarin, english, cantonese, hokkien, malay, bits and pieces of spanish and japanese....wish i could speak cool
Only spanish, english, french and a little of russian. But i would like to learn japanese and korean..
a little spanish, english, cantonese, understand a bit of manderin (if its said in a slow speed) and learning japanese
two... English & Mandarin...I prefer English cus I'm not that good in Mandarin...I can't write or read, only speak somewhat well I take French in school...but it's gay, I can't get it haha...oh well, not many people speak Canadian French outside of Canada anyways
cantonese, english, know only some basic simple words for vietnamese and mandarin..and a little spanish i learned from spanish class..forgot most of it tho..
Doesnt Cantonese, Toishan, Mandarin, Taiwanese, fuzhou, hakkien, shanghaiese, the list goes on, count as 1 language...? Cantonese Mando English Spanish Japanese
Written wise, they are the same. Spoken wise, some of them are similar to each other but someone speaking Shanghainese would not understand someone speaking Taiwanese would not understand someone speaking Cantonese...
isnt Toishan written differently?? i mean just imagine trying to pingyin that ish... ; Spoken wise way diff...