We used to have Four until we bought a big one two years ago. I've given them away to a charity shop. Now we have one in the living room and the other is in the bed room.
Only 2! And they're ghetto old - they're both JVC, 27" and 36" ... nope not flatscreen or anything, just regular.
There are three TV's in my house...and four people. Well, three; my dad works out of town and is only home on weekends, so there is always one for each of us. When I'm at college and my dad is at work though, there are only two people in the house...I don't like TV all that much, and don't see why people need so many.
I have 4 TVs between the 2 of us. I can't fall asleep without the TV on, so I have to have one in my bedroom. Thank god for the timer to turn itself off.
own two television. one for watching and playing ps2 and the other televison is set for other purposes -clapclap
only 1 now, the other one broke last year and waiting for the technology to settle b4 buying a lcd tv.