i go to the gym at least 5 times a week and do at least an hour on the stairmaster each time.. my endurance has increased since i've started working out on so much cardio so i'm happy about that =)
I exercise 30-40 hours a week, but thats just my brain....lol I do 100 push-ups, stretching, and a routine with weights 2-3 times a week Biking is good for my cardio, did three 60-mile bike rides and then some over the past 2 semesters.
i excercise my figers on the keyboard alot.... and usually walkin from the car to my lectures.... that's about all the excercise i do....lol
im exercising lots nows....like now..im exercising my fingers to type and my eyes to read whilst texting....then i move to the mouse for a bit or palm training and eye co-ordination -rotfl
as long as ur doing enuff exercise bb =) variety is always nice too isn't it? eheheheh i was gonna do a last min 1 month crash course to get fit b4 work but guess not gonna happen i'm not meant to do any "exercise" while i recover >< guess its gonna b a last min 1 week crashcourse (probably on the wii lol)
i exercise when i have time only (and that is never (A) but will exercise more now when its summer ^^) wihooo tomrrow is the last day in school
None, I don't exercise. Im surprised that I don't exercise and im not fat and all. (I stopped exercising to try gain some weight, but doesnt work)
I worked out whenever i have time you see. But the only excerise i get is playing table tennis (I am not that good)
My training schedule is usually: mon. chest and triceps tues. - cardio wed. - shoulders and neck thurs. - cardio fri. - back and biceps sat. - free day - tennis, bball sun. - free day - tennis, swim
hmmm i dont aim to lose weight i just ermm exercise for the fun of it o.0 i do running no and again... basketball and badminton every friday woooooooooo shame i aint ne gd at ne of the activities =P but its all fun hehe
3 times a week day 1: legs and shoulders day 2: back and biceps day 3: chest and triceps a little ab work each work out day protein bars after each work out (trying to gain a bit more weight). i also try to stay away from red meat and load up on vegetables.
4 x a week. double split training, Cardio each workout for an hour 2 hour either chest/triceps/legs/abs or lats/shoulders/biceps/abs/ )Got a trainer that seems to know a few tricks.
I go to the gym once a week and sometimes more....but I can't seem to lose the weight. Plus I'm always hungry.
doesn't matter what other's exercise recipe is.... just make up ur own one.... coz u need to pace urself up to it anyways... so just start off with something simple like uh.... walking... jogging... stairs... or something .... improvise!!
Sheez i need to start exercising.. i got the matt furey package so ill try that. you should also try this site out. http://www.iwantsixpackabs.com/ im sure its been posted already but i aint trawling through all them posts OK!!!!