How to approach a girl (the guide)

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by yoitztrong, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. Yo itz Trong

    Yo itz Trong Well-Known Member

    ^ well said. but how will you spend time with them if you can't even get to know them or have their attention?

    For Avant:

    I guess you're right, but it's kind of hard to just think of a line at the moment.
    but that compliment thing was pretty good. keep it coming bro
  2. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member


    The blind leadin da blind.

  3. xjamm

    xjamm New Member

    lol when a guy asks a girl for a number the girl would expect the guy to call her. well i would want the guy to call back. hut yea i guess just approach the girl? *shrugs** that's how it all starts off anyways. most likely the girl might be too shy to make the move and she might just like it when guys are doing the approaching.
  4. lmao.. do it with confidence.. but that is the main thing most guys lack, when they start up the I'm shy thread... -lol xD
  5. yea.. like but will mostly work on all the dumb broads who work in Ambercrombie...