How to ask a girl her #?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by aznrice, Dec 14, 2005.

  1. wguan_86

    wguan_86 Well-Known Member

    it's funny cuz everyone is tell him to just go up there and talk to her.. the thing is.. he can't.. approah nor have they brokent he ice yet.
    If you think your too shy then you have make yourself more confident. for example: prepare what your gonan say to her. this might sound lame but your only thing way cuz your speechless around her. This would atleast initialize a start in conversation.. if you kno a bit about her it's even better.. start from there. but key is plan what your gonna talk abut.. cue card it and practice it....But this is the thing.. you haven't talked to her yet...i assume you guys alreadi know of each other...usualli first impression is important ...if she thinks your the shy type then you've lost half the race already.

    But do give that idea a try.. you'll never kno outcome...
    But yea you wouldn't be here asking for help if you had some more courage... How'd i practice when i was younger was go with a bunch of friends to a mall and get your friends to pick targets and then you go.. at first it's pretti embarrassing but sooner or later it won't be more than another conversation.
  2. Sixth

    Sixth Guest

    i asked a girl out of nothing and she freaked out ... pickup lines isn't always work .... show ur charm, urself, be honest
  3. wguan_86

    wguan_86 Well-Known Member

    mayb i should clearify.. i didn't mean to pull pick up lines..
    i mean script it as in what you'll be saying in normal conversations....and who said it's not you when you script it.. you just can't think cuz your all with the help of knowing what you'll talk about will assist where the conversation goes. since you see her around i assume that's a school mate? no need to rush. Take sixth advise one step at a time.
  4. listen to wguan_86 he's pretty good at it -lol :p
  5. popalopa

    popalopa Well-Known Member

    Two ways:

    1. Go to the girl and talk to her and ask a number.
    Pretty hard if you don't know her , she's pretty much gonna freak out and give you a false number.
    2. Go to the girl, says something special like :" You caught my eyes " and give her YOUR number.
    Now maybe she won't call you, cause girls they don't want to call first, but if you were mysterious enough, she's gonna be curious and she will want to call you, even if it's only for one date (better than nothing).

    All the situations happened to me and that's how I reacted.
    1.Before, when I used to be young, I was simply ignoring guys who would come up and talk to me, like what's your name bla bla bla boring yawn. Sometimes, I was caught off guard cause I thought the guy was looking for directions. Then he asks my name (gives a fake one), asks my number (gives a fake one), gives me his number (never call).
    As I girl, if I gave my real number or name, I would be afraid that the guy would "stalk" me. It happened sometimes and I had to say to the guys to stop calling or else... And let's imagine that you bump into the guy another time, if you gave your fake name, you can always make as if he must have been wrong and didn't talk to you last time (it happened to me also).
    2. Now , it happens a lot in the public transportation or in the shopping mall, some randoms guys stops me to ask for directions (it seems to be THE pick-up line) and then say something like you seem like a nice girl and them give me their number. At first I wasn't sure. I didn't want to sound too easy by calling but I was too curious so I called. That's it and it's simple.
  6. wguan_86

    wguan_86 Well-Known Member

    I don't know popalopa.. all your ways are going up for a ice breaker and close.... i don't think high school students like that.. if you have read the other post.. he saw her once.. and then he saw her again.. sounds to me like he sees her around...
    Here this is a way to break some ice... t's gonna be thick but a good start is to just up ask for something ...say something about her clothes.. say i notice you've got blah blah blah.. i was wonder where you bought that ...jewlery is good one.. then you say thanks you. Just before you finish it. you ask for a nameand introduce yourself... then done...Don't got furthre on.....

    Next time you you see her.. just say hi... update her on that jewllery or etc.. and leave again...potentially you can move in on her that way.. afterwards.. time will thin the ice for you to seal a deal..But key to all this is.. keep conversations short.

    But you just have to step up and put away your fear.
  7. popalopa

    popalopa Well-Known Member

    You have a good point. I didn't know it was really specific, I though it was general. But I can see why he can be shy. Let's imagine he messes up the first time, if he sees the girl around, every time she's gonna see him, she'll think "OMG it's the freak". So either do it very slow or very fast. Slower would be better, especially if he is shy, but I don't think you should go to the girl directly. Maybe he should be introduced by somebody else who knows her or be in the same club or... ask for directions? -whistle
  8. Chey

    Chey Member

    "hey, hows it going? whats your name?"
  9. BunJai

    BunJai Well-Known Member

    cool alot of tips for me too
  10. i8apples

    i8apples New Member

    straight up ask for it like a man
  11. DaProdigy_718

    DaProdigy_718 Well-Known Member

    :p -worship -clapclap :) Lol

    The thing is though, if a girl dont like you or doesn't even wanna start anything with you, then its hopeless. Like even if u put all this effort and have a perfect introduction trying to get to kno her, if she not interested in you and doesn't see herself ever attracted to you, then its hopeless(if she ignores u kinda). O and if u wanna kno if she's attracted to u, check out her body language (If it seems like she's not interested in talking to u then gameover 4 u). I think girls kno though if a Guy likes her and is tryign to get to kno her for the first time. Breaking the ice and seeming unpredictable could work 4 a start (gonna be hella awkward though). U girls/guys agree?
  12. wguan_86

    wguan_86 Well-Known Member

    1. i think it's awkward if the girls not use to it. If a female is use to that kind of attention your'd be another one to put on her list.

    2. I believe your talking about certain kinds of girls, typical lil girls the ones that are out for the so called "gangster bad boys". That won't give guys second chance before they know them. But i do agree human nature exist the character of be Shallow

    3. If a male is socialable they can seem interested in every female. That's the attractive part, the Guess Game...Does he like me or not?

    All and all i think the approach is important...but keeping first approach short and simple is most important. Especially when you kno you'll meet again.. Then if it's one time thing, better have a good open and close. with a way to contact her.
  13. aznrice

    aznrice Well-Known Member

    nvm i got her to go to the prom with me -lol
    thanx guys! :D
  14. lol the prom... you shoulda jus went to any of the girls and go "can I holla, holla holla holla, let me holla at you.... can I hollla, holla holla holla"...
  15. I think the thing is not breaking the ice, but "icebreakers" just pop 'em in your mouth chill the ladies with your icy cool breath. Or you can always spray those expensive deodorant on and the girls will practically jump on you.

    SO anyway, how'd you end it doing it? Is she white, asian, black? Give us some details mang!
  16. ernisle

    ernisle Member

    Talk to her for a bit, just try to approach her... Just do something...
  17. wguan_86

    wguan_86 Well-Known Member

    Lol Well you kno for one fact then.. she doesn't like anyone.. or the person she likes already taken or just doesnt like her.
    Prom doesn't mean much just a's how you make of it.

    But congrds ..that's a good first step. infact your 1/4 there
  18. Err0r

    Err0r Well-Known Member

    next group-project, work with her friend (most likely ugly easy-going girl). tell her ur working with her friend and u want her to sms u the friends number (your in a hurry so u cant stay to write it down)
  19. cheech

    cheech Member

    just be truthful and tell her that you think she looks hot
    and want to be friends with her she should feel really flattered
    as long as she doesn't think your'e some crazy perv then it's all good
  20. Goodgirl

    Goodgirl Active Member

    you know GIRLS... totally agree with you