time does heal everything. eventually you will forget a lot of things of that girl or boy and it won't be as painful as it was before
Yeah, its easy to say, but time will heal. How long? That is different for each people. But i think that spend times with friends, making new friends, go out clubbing. Will help
how come no one has mentioned alcohol yet???!!!! i say go out, get smashed and puke your brian out...better yet, go to Cancun and have a blast!!!! get her to talk about all the negative things about him and she'll realize that he is not as good as she thinks...might make things a bit easier for her...
time is the key to heal her pain. for the mean while, just keep her occupy with things to do. good luck!
depend on wat reason they breakup lol... if opposite dump u bcos of got 3rd party, tats sure hurt... means urself no more attractive to ur partner... this takes time to recover man...
friends.... hanging out with friends is the fastest and best way to mend a broken heart..... don't seclude yourself, it only hurts more..
yeahhh time is the key... to forget those feelings in meanwhile... it's great to have fun with her true friends... and do other things... otherwise she'll think about it everytime
It looks so easy but it is so tough. My gf and me broke up two weeks ago after being together for four years. I feel :(. Every day I still think what she is doing right now. It is just hard to keep going and forget her.
yeahh... the love has been really deep. but hey... you'd better enjoy the time you have... rather than thinking about the past and thinking about some1 who isn't in the present and won't be in your future. good luck with it anywayszz!
Hi thanks, I will keep your words in my mind. After felt terrible for two weeks, I hope to make a restart from now on. *Nogmaals bedankt!*
only time will heal the broken heart and she has to think about the whole relationship what both did wrong only in this way she can release otherwise she will repart all the mistakes in the next relationship