she'll be ok everyone is emo when they break up. watch some stephen chow movies, it should do the trick
Just ask her to get a life and ask her to ask herself "Is THat WHat I WANT??" and be there for her when she wants to dump rubbish but remind her that dumping rubbish all the time isn't the way it would only make her remember and smell the stench of the rubbish...
Time will heal everything. At first you'll always feel like you can never get over it but after some time you'd be all better before you even knew it.
pardon me if i said something inappropriate, but in my humble opinion, time wouldn't heal much of pain that your friend feels at this moment, but time will make your friend get used to the pain of it and grow and mature and to understand more about a relationship and love, hence i think your friend might just use the time now to some patch up on the social network instead of just dwelling on why it isn't working on that relationship. well remember this, god didn't create the world in just a day and rome wasn't build in a day as well... so hopefully your friend will understand this simple theory good luck~
concentrate in doing things that will make u so busy until u have no time to think about it... sure works
people go through stages - denial, anger, acceptance, repentance, depression. it's impossible to expect your friend to heal right away after she's had her heart broken. it really depends on individuals and how much they can cope - sometimes I would love company and most of the time I just want to shut myself out and have a good cry. let her know you'll be there if needs someone to talk to. a makeover would be a good start. help her regain her self-esteem and build up her confidence. ultimately like munhong said, the best way to heal is to forgive and accept that it's over. the best revenge is not to get even but to move on happily.
best thing to do is to just realize, and face the facts. it's not something much people do nowadays, but once you see and realize what has happened, and really understand that life has so much other things and people to offer, there really is no need to mourn. yeah, they probably had some good memories, but theyre memories for a reason, they HAPPENED, and right now, you can make new things happen, and make new memories. its not the end of the world, i wouldnt blame him/her for mourning for a week or so, but if it goes past that, youre just hurting yourself. shakespeare once wrote in Hamlet, "Nothing is as bad as it seems, thinking makes it so." so don't waste your time thinking about it, go out with friends, have fun, or else youll let your own mind destroy yourself. itll manipulate thoughts to suite your desires of how you think it ended and make scenarios, which is neer healthy for yourself. enjoy other things that life has to offer, and realize things like this happen, youre not the only person to have it happened to, and just have fun and be happy.
keep yourself busy! it's hard but try not to think about the guy... but don't neglect the hurt feelings you feel.... it's okay to cry..
Get some buddy out and chill at one nice lounge and think back the good old times together. That sure work for me, if they are not free, it is call over time night for me at my work place. I heard tubs of ice cream works too.
Drink plenty of water, that will help u urine the water and fuss out of your body. everytime you go for wee-wee, tell your self i am flushing you out of your life. So psycologically will help by 50%