Forget about him, keep yourself busy, you have friends and family love you still. Its not the end of the world without him. There are many guys out there that are better than him, you just need time and you will eventually meet one one day :] oh and be positive!!! I heard the more you smile, the better mood you put yourself in through out the day
.. well, in my opinion.. one day you lost someone you love. it would be suffering for you... you couldn't sleep well, or you just can't stop thinking of him/her... Well, my suggestions are... 1) go somewhere you been urged to go.. 2) eat ice cream. but not over eating... set the limit.. to avoid fatness and unhealthiness 3) you could go for a beach walk... 4) find someone to talk with....( best friends, parents, anyone you trusted) 5) you could try go to fun fair.... 6) go to somewhere and have a great shout... 7) do something that you like.... (POSITIVELY) 8) avoid to meet the person who broke up with you Lastly, i would like to say .... if you love him/ her.. just wait them.. until your patient of limit is over... think positively.. may be today he doesn't wants you... but one day... he/she would realise you are the one that he/she is looking for... Cheer up k ^^ no one is left behind trust me ^^
time can do both good and bad. so she needs both time and encouraging. and preoccupying her with jobs and other stuffs will do her some good. its not gonna work like magic but it'll help her keep her minds off the guy here and there. and let time slowly absorb the pain away. At nighttime its the worst, so have a friend talk to her on the phone until shes too tired to think about anything. well that's wat i did but i didnt have any friend to talk to me on the phone at nighttime. So I teared almost every night and ima fcking guy.
Keep yourself busy of anything, or get a rebound if you can. Don't think about it too much, especially the good times of memories. This is what I did and I would recommend from my experience, think about the bad times, the times you didn't like about or hate it, that makes you feel strong, not a wimp........... PEACE.